Author:Rachael Nevins
Ewa Barnes
A Creative Commons (Free) Logic and Critical Thinking textbook “Thinking Well: A Logic and Critical Thinking Textbook” complete with practice/homework exercises + other CRT-100 relevant resources:
BMCC OER/ ZTC definitions Explore no-cost materials through the BMCC library:
This syllabus was last used by E. Barnes in Spring of 2021, for a remote, synchronous course. It could easily be adapted to other teaching modalities.
Please leave questions, requests, and ideas below.
Please check with department coordinator to make sure you are using the most recent version of the syllabus template.
Please check with department coordinator to make sure you are using the most recent version of the syllabus template.
This post includes PowerPoints and exercises about claims. For each claim, students say whether they accept it, reject it or suspend judgement. Cite some evidence that you have used in evaluating the claim. Evidence may include facts, personal experience, written sources or the expertise of others whom you trust.
In this article titled “Five Ways Twitter Has Changed The World,” the author lists ways in which Twitter has transformed the way we use language: how we communicate and how we influence others. After reading the article, students can research and find examples of the 5 points the author makes, […]
Workshop themes: Truth value Validity Inference to the Best Explanation