Tips and Strategies

Application for a scholarship or other types of academic opportunities can seem daunting at first, however, once you put in the effort and follow through with an application, you will see that the skills and knowledge to submit a successful application can be very easily learned. And as it is with anything else, as you practice these skills, your chances of securing opportunities will significantly increase.

We encourage you to keep your eyes open to your academic opportunities and when you encounter one, take an active role in securing them. Students often think “Why would anyone select me?” or other self-defeating thoughts, which is why we compiled a list of self-imposed myths and obstacles we often hear, so you can see you are not alone with these thoughts. It may take courage to apply but let’s face it, all it takes is to change your mindset to overcome these self-limiting thoughts, and once you tap in your “I can do” and “it is OK to try even if I may not succeed at first ” mindset, you will see the opportunities open up to you.