This is about my whole ungrading thing. It relates to disposable assignments that we’re reading about but also is about respecting the students, trusting them to direct themselves to some extent. And it also tries to get rid of our busy work.… Read more “Teach more, grade less”
First and foremost, I MUST maintain an attitude of deep RESPECT toward my students, the work we are engaged in, and myself. I have seen for myself that when I maintain this mental adjustment, especially in the face of difficulty, that it ALWAYS is the correct way.… Read more “#4wordpedagogy”
Contribute, Belong, Be Powerful
Students, as knowledge-creators, will feel empowered, together with classmates.
Understanding, Respect, Assistance, Recondition
I look at these words as a mantel to life in and outside of the classroom. Everyone seeks to be understood, everyone desires respect giving assistance helps others go forward and this leads to a reconditioning of thought and life outcomes
#Start Here Speak Anywhere
This is the title of the Speech department’s OER textbook Start Here Speak Anywhere
#Cultivate Success Empower Students