During the month of June, we’ll be meeting twice a week by Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:30am – 1pm. Prior to each Zoom session, there will be activities to complete in preparation for meeting; these activities can be found under each week under Schedule in the menu above and also linked in the title of each week below.
Week 1: Pedagogical Foundation and OpenLab Intro
Learning Outcomes
- Apply asset pedagogies to course and learning experience design
- Develop familiarity with features and affordances of OpenLab sites
- Create a course site on the OpenLab
- Navigate between course profile and course site
- Be Awesome
Week 2: Thinking about Content
Learning Outcomes
- Navigate between course site and dashboard
- Articulate the role of posts and pages in a WordPress site
- Add and organize content using pages, posts, categories, and menus
- Make decisions about open vs private content
- Ethically and legally use images and attribution
Week 3: Thinking about Interactivity
Learning Outcomes
- Describe how they will build community on the OL
- Describe how they will engage students as knowledge creators on the OL
- Describe the affordances and constraints of the primary ways of interacting on the OL (course profile discussions, comments on posts, creating posts)
Week 4: Additional Functionality
Learning Outcomes
- Match pedagogical and learning experience goals to course site design
- Articulate the role of widgets and plugins in a WordPress site
- Navigate and adapt the course template to meet the needs of their course
- Identify which course template plugins, if any, they will use for their course
- Describe the function of themes and give examples of ways themes might affect the way a site is displayed