Assignment Upload

Assignment Upload

PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT 1: “SHOW & TELL”—7 points (30-45 seconds)
DUE: Class 4

VERY ROUGH DRAFT (NEEDS LOTS OF WORK.  NOT ABLE TO REALLY REWORK THIS.): You will be showing the class and me an object of personal, emotional significance to you and telling us three details about this object. These three details will be the become the three main points of your presentation. This presentation will last between 30 and 45 seconds.

The first step in this project will be to choose an object. Make sure the object is large enough for the class to see it.

On DATE, you will need to be ready to talk with your classa

Your first and second main points should inform your audience about the object. Your third main point should explain to your audience why this object is of emotional significance or importance to you personally.

You will need to turn in a written purpose following the format I’ve provided. You should have some written presentation notes for yourself that you use during your presentation.

You should have a sense of three possible objects you might want to use for this presentation by DATE. You will be meeting in groups during class to talk about these possible objects on DATE.

You will need to rehearse this presentation out loud at home using your notes. Practice extemporaneous delivery of the presentation and be sure to time yourself. You should rehearse your presentation out loud for at least 30 to 45 minutes. Be sure to break up your rehearsal period into two or three sessions.

Your classmates and I shouldn’t be your first audience, so find a test audience (friends, family, classmates, co-workers, etc.) to watch you rehearse this presentation prior to class.

On DATE, submit a draft version of your purpose to XXX. This must be typed using 12 point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font.

WRITING DUE on the day of your presentation (2 items): You must turn in a typed PURPOSE for this presentation. This Purpose needs to follow the format on the last page of our syllabus. (You may NOT use your written Purpose as your notes during the presentation; I’ll want you to turn your Purpose in prior to presenting.) Each of the 3 main points in your written Purpose MUST be written out as a single, FULL SENTENCE. You will also turn in your NOTES after you present.

My Purpose: After my classmates and professor have heard my 20-30-second “Show & Tell” presentation, they will know the following three things about my Happy Apple:
1) This Happy Apple toy was given to me by my parents when I was very young.
2) When you shake the Happy Apple, it makes a wonderful jingling sound and vibrates.
3) I treasure this toy because it reminds me of the happy times with my parents.

My Purpose: After my classmates and professor have heard my 20-30-second “Show & Tell” presentation, they will understand the following three things about my sweater:
1) My grandmother made this sweater for me.
2) It makes me itch.
3) Even though this sweater is extremely ugly, I would never get rid of it because it reminds me of the one person I know who truly loves me unconditionally.

When you present, you will say something like the following, while holding up your object for us to see:

“Good morning! My name is Jane Doe, and this is my Happy Apple. This Happy Apple toy was given to me by my parents when I was very young. When you shake the Happy Apple, it makes a wonderful jingling sound and vibrates. I treasure this toy because it reminds me of the happy times with my parents. Once again, my name is Jane Doe.”

“Hello! I’m Pat Zee, and this is my sweater. My grandmother made this sweater for me when I was sixteen. It makes me itch. Even though this sweater is extremely ugly, I would never get rid of it because it reminds me of the one person I know who truly loves me unconditionally. My name is Pat Zee. Thank you.”

You will be assessed on your Purpose; the visual, vocal, and verbal aspects of your presentation; how well you followed the instructions (including keeping to the time allotted); and your Notes.