The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for the students to learn in more depth an area of chemistry that they find interesting and/or will increase their knowledge and understanding in a specific area.
First Step: Pick a topic of the chemistry area that you prefer and is of your interest.
Topics you may chose are:
Acid Rain
Chemistry of Coffee
Chemistry of Diamond
There are many possible topics you can pick: A good source are the ACS journals and in the New York Times-Science Edition are also worth looking at for ideas.
Do not worry about having a sophisticated topic. Any topic is sophisticated as long as you understand it.
Second Step: Write a brief description of why did you pick this topic and how can you relate this to any subjects you learn in class. (1 page)
Third Step: Make a presentation in any format you like. PPT, video, a drawing, etc. The presentations should not be more than 5 minutes long.
Fourth Step: Create a digital or paper back poster
Fifth Step: Watch your classmates presentations and the poster and leave a comment of what did you like the most about their topic presentation or poster