Illustrating a policy concept

Illustrating a policy concept

The goal of this assignment is to have you describe key policy concepts using a variety of alternative media.

I will provide you with a list of key concepts (e.g. blaming the victim, globalization, deinstitutionalization, deficit financing, health care parity, lobbying, universal/selective welfare, street-level bureaucracy, cash/ in-kind benefits etc.). You will sign up to describe and illustrate any one of these concepts.

You will then use any medium: video, audio, interviews, role play, story-telling, photographs, drawings, graphics, songs, performing art etc. (but not a written essay) to explain this concept.

  1. Define it with examples using any of the above media.
  2. How is this concept evident to you in the news that you read and the events in our society?
  3. What are the policy implications and alternatives that this concept suggests?
  4. Ask a question about this concept that will generate a discussion in class.
  5. Present it to the class.