Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning



Explore the information and resources available at UDL in Higher Education.


Share your thoughts in the comments below in response to these spark prompts:

  • How might you incorporate the three areas of UDL into the open pedagogy assignment you are developing?
    • multiple means of engagement (the why of learning)
    • multiple means of representation (the what of learning)
    • multiple means of action and expression (the how of learning)
  • Where else might you incorporate UDL in your courses?


  1. I have been trying to implement UDL in my courses, though not in a very organized fashion. The framework in the video and supporting site provided a way for me to think about UDL in a more structured way.

    1. Multiple means of representation – all my courses have weekly units where I combine video, print/web, images, etc. I feel I owe it to my students to provide them with a variety of formats they can engage with ideas of the week.

    2. Multiple means of action and expression – I am planning on using more than text-based assignments in my Spring 2022 classes. I had once used an assignment where students could submit a powerpoint, photos/images, essays, or videos as a response. Not only I received the most number of submissions, but they were so much more interesting to engage with. I look forward to enriching my classes in this way.

    3. Multiple means of engagement – to heighten the interest in the course, in my discussion forums I use thought-provoking discussion questions relevant to our daily lives. This is especially important when I teach Constitutional Law because students struggle to find relevancy to their lives. So, our discussions (on ZOOM and in the discussion forums) really help with engagement. I look forward to hearing my colleagues’ UDL ideas about this particular area.

  2. Joe Ginese

    For my assignment, the three areas of UDL would be:
    – (Why): raising student awareness around resources and support at BMCC
    – (What): Ideally, students will pick offices/services they may already be familiar with and want to share with other students. A key example here is someone with a diagnosed accessibility issue may be able to raise awareness for those who have undiagnosed issues about the office of accessibility.
    – (How) submissions can be written word, video/audio commercials, or a poster/advertisement allowing for multiple types of literacies and modalities to be implemented.

    Another way for UDL, specifically in online learning, is always remembering to use live transcript on Zoom as well as market “in Zoom” participation as highly/equally as discussion board participation.

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