Final Project

Due Date

The final Project is due on Wednesday, December 18. You will present in class on that day.

Final Project Content

You can download the final project content files from this DropBox Folder:

Page List:

  1. Home
  2. Retrieval Practice
  3. Spaced Practice
  4. Elaboration
  5. Interleaving
  6. Concrete Examples
  7. Dual Coding
  8. About

The Concrete Examples file is now in the folder.

I suggest downloading the files and opening in MS Word before copying so you don’t get wierd line breaks you will get if you copy off of Dropbox directly

Optional Designed By page

You can optionally add a page about yourself. You can also make the Designed By in the footer link to the blog post you will do to submit the project (see next section).

Submitting the Project

Like the midterm your project files should be in a GitHub repository and displayed through GitHub Pages. In fact you should just keep updating your midterm repository for you final project.

Submitting your final will be a bit different than the midterm. To submit the final project you will do a short write-up of your project on a blog post on this class blog. That post will include screenshots of your project, a written description and a link to your GitHub pages site. We will cover creating this post during the week of December 9.

Final Project Grading Rubric

This PDF file contains a 1 page brief overview of the rubric. I will provide and explain a more detailed rubric in the classes to come. It is very similar to the midterm rubric but with additions for media queries and accessibility, extra credit options and different point values.


Unlike the Midterm Project, I will not provide feedback for your final project. You will be able to see your point scores for each of the rubric items on Blackboard but I will not provide video feedback or other detailed feedback.

The reason for this is time. I have a short amount of time to get your grades in and so I don’t have time to create feedback. Also, unlike the midterm, you can’t use the feedback to improve your project and your grade in the class.

If you would like more detailed feedback, then send me a message on the OpenLab and we can go over your project in the Spring.