Class on 12/4/2019
Today we will cover the following:
- Final Project Grading Rubric
- Media Queries
- Final Project Layout and inspiration including work on your wireframes assignment.
Final Project Grading Rubric
This rubric is part of the following Final Project post. That post will be updated with more information and more details on where to get help and information on each aspect of the rubric.
We will go over the basic rubric in class.
Media Queries
We will look at the Media Query Basics post again and take a look at how to implement some layout ideas that you have.
Final Project Layout and Inspiration
For this part of the class we will first have you pair up to talk about your ideas for layout and also share questions and confusion with each other.
Then we will discuss some of those ideas as a class and help get everyone in a place where you can have an idea of what you want to do for the final project layout and also some ideas on how to get there.
Next Week
We will cover the blog post you will need to submit your final project.
Also, I will post up information on the following topics
- Responsive Navigation
- Flexbox
- Interactive UI
- Sass
- Using Emmet to get things done quickly (especially converting docs to HTML)
- Responsive Video Embeds
Only the Responsive navigation is required for the final project. The rest are not necessary. I may add in-class help and other topics if they come up.
Reminder: Turn in Class Evaluations
For those of you who have already submitted your evaluation of the class, thank you. If you haven’t there is still time. This link has more information:
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