screenshot of six images arranged in a grid with CSS Grid gridlines shown

Class 9: Images / Grid / Typography

Class on Wednesday, September 25

Today we will work in roughly two parts.

  • Part 1: Review of Assignment 3: CSS Grid and Assignment 4: Typographic Hierarchy
  • Part 2: Adding images and Grid to Assignment 4.

Part 1: Review of Assignment 3: CSS Grid and Assignment 4: Typographic Hierarchy

We will start by going to the Assignment 4 post and looking at the work you have done so far. Please visit that assignment and post one of the following comments there:

  • A link to your pen. This can be either because you have an issue that you want us to look at or because you’ve completed it and can showcase your work.
  • A question about either typographic hierarchy in general or the assignment.

Some of the important things to know and be able to do complete the assignment are:

  • Read the content and determine the hierarchy you want to present to viewers (what is most important and what is of lesser importance).
  • Identify each different type of text that needs a typographic treatment.
  • Use the CSS properties related to text to actually give each of those different types of text a different treatment (size, color, weight, etc.). Your choices here should also fit the hierarchy you determined.

Next, we will move on to look at Assignment 3 CSS Grid. If the review of Assignment 4 takes too long we will fold in the CSS Grid review into Part 2. The basic review will be to make sure you can:

  • Identify the Containing Element to which the Grid will be applied.
  • Apply CSS Grid to the containing element:
    • display: grid;
    • grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; (or however you want to define your columns)
    • Optional: grid-gap;
  • Apply grid-column to grid elements you want to take up more than one column.
    • Example: grid-column: 1/ span 3;

Part 2: Adding images and Grid to Assignment 4

In this section we will build on our work on Assignment 4. We will add a grid and then go over how to find and incorporate the images for each of the crowds.

To complete this we will see how to download a CodePen as HTML/CSS files and then we will open those files in an editor and work from there.

Outline of tasks:

  1. Download CodePen as HTML/CSS. You can use your own pen or follow along with me.
  2. Open the folder in an Editor like Brackets.
  3. add an images folder
  4. Begin downloading images from the LOC website and then adding in the HTML to embed the images with a credit. I will use the following Emmet code to expand into a structure we can use to add: div.crowd__image>img+p.image-credit
  5. Update CSS for typographic hierarchy and layout to work with the images.