Roderick (Shane) Snipes’s Profile

Active 3 weeks ago
Roderick (Shane) Snipes
Office Location
About Me
Hello, my name is Dr. Shane Snipes and I am an assistant professor, deputy chair of the Business Management Department, and coordinator of an entrepreneurship degree program within the City University of New York (CUNY) system in New York City. Under my guidance, the program has been awarded the NACCE Entrepreneurial Program Excellence Award in 2018, has been nominated for the USASBE Pedagogical Innovation Award, and was featured in the Federal Reserve Innovation Showcase in 2022. My main research focus is on how mindfulness practices can improve businesses and education. I have published several works related to empathy, self-efficacy, entrepreneurship education, research as teaching, and creating social impact through student-led, community-first undergraduate research. As a scholar/practitioner, I developed the Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program (CEEP), which requires students to share their findings about entrepreneurship with their communities. This program has influenced policy makers, community groups, and local business owners. The Kauffman Foundation has supported the expansion of the CEEP program nationwide to increase diversity in the scholar and researcher pipeline. In 2021, I helped bring the Blackstone Launchpad to our CUNY campus. This program teaches an entrepreneurial mindset to students across all majors, not just business students. I strongly advocate for more inclusion and diversity in all areas of education and innovation. Before working in higher education, I was a tech founder. I hold a BA in Cross-cultural Communication with a minor in engineering from N.C. State University, an MBA from Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania while working on Fulbright Research, and a PhD in Sustainability Education from Prescott College. When I’m not working, I enjoy kayaking, hiking, meditation, and cooking. I welcome the opportunity to connect with you on LinkedIn. Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me.
Academic Interests
Dr. Snipes teaches and researches how mindfulness improves businesses and education. As a scholar/practitioner, he developed the Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program (CEEP) at In a unique twist in higher education, the CEEP program asks students to discover a question about entrepreneurship in their neighborhood, collect data, analyze it, then most importantly report it back to the community. Projects are influencing policymakers, community groups, and local business owners. Kauffman Foundation has funded the expansion of the CEEP program nationally to increase the diversity of researcher pipeline. During 2021, Dr. Snipes helped bring the Blackstone Launchpad to BMCC’s campus ( The Launchpad teaches entrepreneurial mindset to all majors. He’s an advocate for more inclusion and diversity in all areas of education and innovation. Find out more about publications here –
Business Management, Interdisciplinary
Academic Programs
Business Administration, A.S., Business Management, A.A.S., Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.


Why SBE 100 (Entrepreneurship) is right for you

Why SBE 100 (Entrepreneurship) is right for you

Small Business Entrepreneurship 100 course is for any major!

SBE400: Small Business Management (Major Capstone)

SBE400: Small Business Management (Major Capstone)

This course covers the management and operations of a small business. The general functions of management, factors in business success and failure, and the entrepreneur’s qualifications are covered. Case studies, mathematical decision-making and computer/phone applications are integral parts of the creation of a business plan.

SBE100: Entrepreneurship – Product & Service Creation

SBE100: Entrepreneurship – Product & Service Creation

This course examines the building blocks of entrepreneurship, including an analysis of the entrepreneur and exploration of business opportunities. The course includes the investigation and practice of products and service creation. The emphasis will be on applying entrepreneurship concepts to a business idea and developing an entrepreneurial mindset. Corequisite: BUS104 only for business majors.


Small Business Entrepreneurship / Innovation

Small Business Entrepreneurship / Innovation

2-year entrepreneurship degree program support material and updated resources.

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Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

This is a community space for LGBTQIA+/queer members of the BMCC community to locate resources, build networks of support and mentorship, and share experiences.

BMCC Business Management Faculty Resources

BMCC Business Management Faculty Resources

Welcome to the BMCC Business Management Faculty Resources page. This section provides faculty members with essential tools, documents, and guidance to enhance teaching, advising, and professional development. Here, you will find resources that support classroom instruction, curriculum development, and student engagement. Key features include access to syllabi templates, academic policies, workshop opportunities, technology training for online and hybrid courses, and research support for entrepreneurship and business studies. Explore the full suite of materials designed to help you thrive in delivering high-quality education and fostering student success.

Business Entrepreneur Club

Business Entrepreneur Club

A community dedicated to serving those interested in the fields of business and entrepreneurship! Meetings: Hybrid (Both in-person & virtual) Wednesdays, 2pm / Room F701, 7th floor, Fiterman Hall Email:

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BMCC 24/7 Book Club

Dive into our 24/7 Online Book Club, where the excitement of reading is brought to life! Explore a world of diverse topics, engage in dynamic discussions and connect with fellow readers from anywhere, anytime. Our flexible, fully online format ensures you are always part of the conversation.


BMCC Blackstone Launchpad

BMCC Blackstone Launchpad

The Blackstone BMCC LaunchPad network makes entrepreneurial skills and mindset accessible and relevant for all college students and alumni to help them build thriving careers and companies. • Get Inspired • Grow Strategic Insights for Whatever Path You’re On • Receive Mentoring from Career Professionals or Entrepreneurs • Win Prizes • Find Funding • Grow Visibility for Your Venture • Gain skills to Amplify Your Resume for Success • Build Confidence & Community • Gain Easy Access to Our Local & Nationwide Opportunity Ecosystem Our BMCC LaunchPad network propels your success by helping you go further, faster. Connect to a local and national network of mentors, events, funding, talent, job opportunities, and more for the mindset and skill sets you’ll use to build your next-gen career or company.

SBE400 Resources

SBE400 Resources

Resources for students taking SBE400 class.

Work-Project Based Learning Resources

Work-Project Based Learning Resources

Business Management has 3 active fellows in the Work-based Learning Fellowship with the CEO Jobs Council of NY. These materials are curated from that experience.