Jean-Yves Plaisir’s Profile

Active 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Jean-Yves Plaisir
He, him, his
Office Location
199 Chambers Street Room 616A
About Me
Dr. Jean-Yves Plaisir, ED.D, is a tenured full professor in the Teacher Education Department at Borough of Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York. His areas of studies are Applied Linguistics, International Education, TESOL, classical studies, and multimedia applications in education.
Academic Interests
Professor Plaisir’s research interest has for the past decade focused on men’s experiences in the early childhood education workforce. He has published scholarly articles, collaborated on book chapters, and made many presentations in national and international conferences in this area of research. In 2022, Dr. Plaisir has joined the Black Studies across the Americas research program as a faculty mentor working in synergy with graduate fellows, students, collaborators and volunteers across national and international contexts.
Teacher Education
Academic Programs
Bilingual Childhood Education, A.A., Child Care/Early Childhood Education, A.S., Childhood Education, A.A.


Educational Foundations and Pedagogy of the Exceptional Child

Educational Foundations and Pedagogy of the Exceptional Child

This course examines the education of children (birth to eight years) with special needs, along with the historical, social, cultural, and legal foundations of special education in the U.S. It explores the causes and effects of various exceptionalities, including emotional, intellectual, physical, visual, auditory, orthopedic, speech and language and giftedness. Techniques for differentiated learning and universal design approaches will be analyzed; issues of ethnocultural diversity and computational thinking in teacher education including methods for working with the families of children with special needs are integrated into the course. This course requires 30 Hours of Fieldwork, which may be completed through video analyses and commentaries. Please, note that school sites may not be available for fieldwork activities due to the coronavirus pandemic; we will make reasonable adjustments to fulfill fieldwork requirements in the course. This is a Writing Intensive course that fulfills the WI requirement for graduation. Writing intensive courses pay special attention to developing critical reading, writing, and analytic skills to prepare students for college-level coursework in general. Both informal and formal writing will be designed to maximize your understanding of the subject matter. Formal writing assignments, at least 10-12 pages total, account for a significant portion of your grade and will include opportunities for revision.

Music, Culture, and Child Development

Music, Culture, and Child Development

This course focuses on providing teachers with tools and activities to support young children’s musical, cultural, and physical development.

ECE 411 Early Childhood Practicum II – Fall 2021

ECE 411 Early Childhood Practicum II – Fall 2021

This course is designed to develop practical and evidence-based knowledge for teaching literacy and enable students to demonstrate competencies teaching young children. It requires supervised participation in an assigned early childhood education setting and attendance at a weekly seminar. Students will explore principles, methods, and materials for teaching emergent literacy within a developmentally appropriate, interdisciplinary and culturally responsive curriculum. Current research regarding speaking, listening, reading and writing experiences of young children will be critically examined. Practical classroom experiences will provide opportunities for students to make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behavior working with young children and their families, and build a comprehensive understanding of balanced literacy in early childhood classrooms. Students will design, implement and evaluate activity-based literacy learning experiences for young children with diverse learning styles and needs, with strong emphasis on child centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning and assessment, and knowledge of curriculum content areas.


Black Studies Across the Americas (BSAA)

Black Studies Across the Americas (BSAA)

This project is supported with U.S. Department of Education Title VI National Resource Center funding from the Center for Latin American Studies at The Ohio State University and the NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies as well as the the BMCC Dept. of Ethnic and Race Studies and the President’s Fund for Innovation and Excellence, funded by McKenzie Scott. BSAA faculty and student researchers create OERs to help integrate Black studies into disciplines that historically don’t address Blackness and questions of race and ethnicity. BSAA OERs are hosted here on the BMCC OpenLab to foster further collaboration and use of the OERs at BMCC and beyond.

Music, Culture, and Child Development

Music, Culture, and Child Development

This course focuses on providing teachers with tools and activities to support young children’s musical, cultural, and physical development.


Teach On!

Teach On!

A space for faculty to share ideas about how to support student learning during the transition to distance learning for the remainder of Spring 2020. Please request to join if you are faculty at BMCC. Click on “Visit Project Site” in the upper right to access BMCC’s Course Continuity Resources website.

Poverty and Early Childhood

Poverty and Early Childhood

This is a sample profile and website for the ECE 210 Website or Podcast Advocacy Project.

Early Childhood Education (ECE-411-1300) Capstone

Early Childhood Education (ECE-411-1300) Capstone

This is a reflection of what I’ve learnt throughout this semester.

Music, Culture, and Child Development

Music, Culture, and Child Development

This course focuses on providing teachers with tools and a