Bianca Zwerlein’s Profile

Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Bianca Zwerlein
About Me
Certified medical Interpreter by CoreCHI and part of New York State Per diem Interpreter. Highly skilled in interpreting spoken statements and translating written documents between Haitian Creole, French and English. Background includes working in legal environments to facilitate communication between legal representatives and English Language Learners, providing consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. My goal is to become a speech pathologist.
Academic Literacy and Linguistics, English, Library, Modern Languages, Speech, Communications, and Theatre Arts


Critical Thinking CRT 100 FYE-1102 Spring 2024 TuTh 11AM with Prof. Barnes

Critical Thinking CRT 100 FYE-1102 Spring 2024 TuTh 11AM with Prof. Barnes

Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, students will examine concrete examples from their own experience and readings and contemporary issues in the media to learn how to analyze issues, solve problems, and make informed decisions in their academic, professional, and personal lives.


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