DB 9

Feminist and queer inventions challenge the ideas of a nuclear family because it’s simply not what a nuclear family is.  Feminists want to be equal to men and Queer couples are two of the same sex. Both concepts in which are going against the nuclear family concept as a whole. The nuclear family is a father, mother, and children that live under the same household as a unit. Most likely than not, the wife/mother is under the husband/father who is above the female and the children of the household. While a feminist or queer household, it’ll be equal and open, it’ll be where the couple is equal and not higher than one another. These limits these couples constantly fight for “marital rights, and secured stability of diverse households and families” as stated In the Article “BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: (A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR” From all of these, people, specifically women, and LGBT+ couples are still fighting to be considered normal. That there are clearly many more ways than one to create and raise a family. Trans couples, non-binary couples, genderfluid and more. There are countless interventions that can be had as a family, countless family structures. That every and any family made should be considered a family, should be considered worth it, and normal. 

Leilani Loveless DB 9

I think during the first half of the twentieth century, the term “nuclear family” became quite popular in the sense that that was the ideal family that everyone should have and be like. As a result many women were  discouraged and criticized from working outside the home. Due to this the transition from agriculture to modern industrial jobs typically requires men to leave their homes for work in another location. Which is why the emphasis of the nuclear family model, each woman, one per household, was often encouraged to stay at home and raise children. As a result of this is the reason why feminists are interested in why family and household arrangements are viewed as less than ideal in today’s world.

Taavixiqua H-L DB9

The concept of the “nuclear family” which is commonly known for two parents: A father, a mother and one or more children is a structure which in my option should be discontinued- if that makes sense. This idea of what it is to be a family has been implemented for centuries, and this continues to have an affect on todays society. This really got me thinking. Who decided that this is what a family is composed of? Cause if were being real im pretty sure there’s a big percentage of people who did not live like this- mom and dad etc. Another thing is the whole idea of family which people think can only be related to you. This is not true. Family are the people who love and care for you, who are there in times of need.. which makes me think about how people have the idea of the “nuclear family” only being a mom and dad. I know people who were raised in single households. Also people who were raised with same sex parents. The limits that exist like being raised by mom and dad should not matter when it comes to raising children, and I don’t believe it will have an effect as people think it would on a child’s development. The interventions of the LGBT+ community can offer many children who aren’t fortunate to grow up in a “nuclear family”. Personally if a family consisting of whoever mom and mom dad and dad or mom and dad can provide a stable, loving and caring environment for their family then that’s all that is important, all the other stuff people make an issue just creates unnecessary boundaries for society and peoples lives.

Alex Olderman: DB 9

I definitely think it’s important that we challenge the idea (or at least the idea of the importance) of the nuclear family. In the Beyond Marriage article, it is pointed out that a majority of people in fact, do not live in a nuclear family and yet, it is presented as the only “legitimate” type of family in society and in the government. The concept discredits so many valuable family dynamics that exist such a queer families, single-parent families, chosen-families, childless families, extended families, (unmarried) partnerships, care-givers, etc.

Not everyone is born into the kind of family that will support and protect them, so many people create their own communities for survival. In Paris is Burning, you see the Houses have a family-dynamic that consists of a “mother” who cares for their family members, many of who are queer people who’s born-families have rejected them. Is that not what the critical structure of a family is? How they care for each other as opposed to just who they consist of?

I think that shifting the value away from the aesthetics of a nuclear family will open the door to alternative types of families who are just as valid and deserve just as much of the respect and benefits as any other family does.

Hamidou Soumailou

While reading the passage called “Beyond same-sex, marriage: A new strategic vision for all our families band relationships” I uncovered a few interests. First, the description of a “nuclear family” is a family group that consists of a male, female, and their children. This is another style of label and social exception that is placed upon individuals. Feminist and queer interventions claim the ideas of a “nuclear family” by bringing knowledge to this situation and wanting to fight for the titles people should legally possess.

The “nuclear family” limits other features to be recognized as authorized families. The government sees same-sex households to be nontraditional, meaning that they don’t follow the standards of society.

The other vision we see for how family can be formed is that Families can be included of just females parents or male parents, single moms, single dads it doesn’t matter. As long as you are caring for your children that’s all that counts. The visions that exist for the ways that families can be formed without restriction will encourage the LGBDQ community in our society.

In my opinion it doesn’t matter which sex is rising their child, as long as their being their for the children that’s call upright parenting.

Ashley Concepcion: DB 9

When reading the article “Beyond same-sex, marriage: A new strategic vision for all our families band relationships” I learned a few new things. First being the definition of a “nuclear family” which is a family group that consists of a male, female, and their children. This is yet another label and social exception that is placed upon people. Feminist and queer interventions challenge the ideas of a “nuclear family” by bring light to this situation and wanting to fight for the rights they should legally have. As stated in the article “To have our government define as “legitimate families” only those households with couples in conjugal relationships does a tremendous disservice to the many other ways in which people actually construct their families”. Basically couples of the same sex, queer or trans are not treated the same because they aren’t what society considers as a family “norm” only those who have “legitimate families”.

I believe that family is more than just blood. There are people who find bonds beyond blood relation that are stronger and better than ever. No matter the gender, nobody should be neglected from their rights, there always seems to be a stereotype or label that is in the way. Sadly this one of the many ongoing issues that the LGBTQ community has to go through. But it’s never too late to keep on fighting for a change, where everyone is equal.

Elba Leon: DB#9

How do feminist and queer interventions challenge ideas of the “nuclear family?” What do they say are the limits? What other visions do we see for the ways that families can be formed? What are your thoughts about family structure and what these interventions offer us?

Feminists and queer interventions challenge the idea of the “nuclear family” which is mostly just seen as a mom, dad, and their children. These ideas are challenged because who is society to say what families are the ideal. When every family is working and it does not matter the components. The “nuclear family” limits other members to be recognized a legitimate families. For example just like “Beyond Sex Marriage: A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR FAMILIES & RELATIONSHIPS” brings out to advocate for other structures of families. Families do not have to be romantic. They can be platonic, for instance grandparents with their grandchildren, close friends, siblings, and care givers.

Families can be composed of a mom and a mom, a dad and a dad, single moms, single dads, and the heteronormative couples. The visions that exists for the ways that families can be formed without restraint is that this would definitely help LGBTQ community since it breaks a barrier of the stigma within society.

My thoughts on family structure start with the basis that I does not matter what sex is raising the children, as long as the children and the rest of the family has a strong foundation the children will grow up in a nurturing environment. I also agree with the principles of “Beyond Sex Marriage: A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR FAMILIES & RELATIONSHIPS”the concept of marriage should be a path to be closer with the other person.

Structure should be very strong in order to create a strong dynamic family. These intervention offers us space to grow and to accept the views everyone holds. It is not there to halt the growth within the community.

Leslie Tepoz: DB9

How do feminist and queer interventions challenge ideas of the “nuclear family?” What do they say are the limits? What other visions do we see for the ways that families can be formed? What are your thoughts about family structure and what these interventions offer us?

In the article ” BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE:” feminist and queer interventions challenge ideas of a nuclear family by saying “nuclear family” are how families are supposed to be. I would like to say nuclear families do mirror other conflicts that people are facing in this country for example ” Millions of people are without health care, decent housing, or enough to eat….While many in the LGBT community call for legal recognition of same-sex marriage, many others – heterosexual and/or LGBT – are shaping for themselves the relationships, unions, and informal kinship systems that validate and support their daily lives, the lives they are actually living, regardless of what direction the current ideological winds might be blowing.” I believe that not only do the LGBTQ also faces the issues nuclear families do but on top of that also have to face just to be accepted. I believe that there should be no specific ways to structure a “family” i believe each individual should have their own way in which makes them happy and be confident that it will work for them without having to follow these specific structures society has made us believe should be “normal”

Jarlyne Zuniga DB9

In the reading “Beyond same-sex, marriage: A new strategic vision for all our families band relationships”, stated by the government that only households with spouses in marital relationships are considered “legitimate families”. same-sex is not considered a normal family or a family at all, Feminist and queer intervention challenge ideas of the “nuclear family” by wanting to be accepted in their fight for marital rights. The idea of a “nuclear family” is a couple (male/female) with children of your own, so when it came to a couple of the same sex it’s hard for them to fit in society when this is the idea of a functional family. The idea of families of the same sex is not traditional so it isn’t considered a normal real family, they aren’t to have the same norm that other families would have.

In my opinion, I don’t think it matters same-sex or not, you can still be a family. Those rights shouldn’t be taken away from other individuals because of the same sex. A family is being around those who you love and care for, being a couple of the opposite sex and being married with kids isn’t only a family, and I think that’s was the point, sometimes family can be more than just your own blood, I know a couple of the same sex who have kids and people are somehow wowed and just not okay with it. I know some kids are sometimes also wowed with their friend’s parent being of the same sex and I feel like it’s something to change.