Course: GWS 100-140W | Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies | Dr. Munshi | Spring 2021

active 2 years ago
GWS 100-140W | Introduction to Gender & Women’s Studies | Dr. Munshi | Spring 2021
This Course is PRIVATE, but the corresponding Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice
Course Contact
Course Code
GWS 100
Section Code
Spring 2021
Course Description

This introductory-level, interdisciplinary course explores the basic concepts and perspectives of Gender & Women’s Studies (GWS) from an intersectional angle; that is, examining the ways in which gender intersects with race, ethnicity, nationality, class, sexuality, sexual identity, disability, and other categories. The concepts of gender—the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a society considers appropriate for men and women— privilege and oppression, intersectionality, and feminist praxis will be at the core of this course. After a background in the history and significance of GWS as a field of study, you will learn to critically examine how institutionalized privilege and oppression shape individual lives and intersecting identity categories.
Avatar Image by Alina Tauseef (available here:

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Excellent work, Annabeth! All the different components of the zine + your reflection work together […] See MoreComment on: Annabeth Stoll: Final Project

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I look forward to seeing my therapist almost as much as I look forward to this class, lol! See MoreComment on: Melody Kology DB #13

Comment on: Private: Nathaly Peguero

hi Nathaly! I emailed you my comments, in response to your email. See MoreComment on: Private: Nathaly Peguero