Kulah Massaquoi
Journal #3
When reading the article I learn about western culture views on body types and stereotypes that are associated with them. From what I understand it seems the concept of the female body is political. Because of social policies, the power in which our bodies hold is regulated by the standard of beauty, weight, race and etc. These regulations give us an unhealthy idea of what the human body is to look like. Society has a standard of the “ideal beauty”. As humans, we struggle over the degree of individual and social control of our bodies. The body can be socially and is physically strong based entity and inequality. Social constructs create the norms of our culture and can be determined through our looks, expression, impressions, and really discipline before it reacts to things. According to professor “Rosalind Gill” in 2007, she stated that men have joined women in what she calls the “body culture” – an obsession with shaping “the body beautiful”
Throughout the readings I see both genders deal with unrealistic body expectations. Men deal with it differently and often question their own masculinity because of these ideas. Both men are constantly looking for validation or their beauty to be recognized. “Men, like women, increasingly define themselves through their bodies. and gay men tend to be more aware of this than straight men (Gill, 2017). men’s bodies were barely (pun intended) noticed by critical researchers. but they are increasingly being used in advertising to sell products. Although men’s poses differ from women’s (Gill, 2017; Jhally, 2009), all tend to represent idealized young adult images of binary masculinity and femininity, and all are increasingly eroticized.” For women specifically, we’ve been conditioned from the womb to look “sexy”. It’s advertised from childhood on up. “Girls do not have to be in a beauty pageant to internalize sexualization girls’ group of606- to9-year-old girls in the Midwest found the sexualized paper doll as their ideal self (68%) and the doll that would be popular (72%: Starr & Ferguson, 2012). Researcher Christy Starr said, “Although the desire to be popular is not uniquely female, the pressure to be sexy in order to be popular is” (cited in Abbasi, 2012, paras 6-7). Not all the girls chose the sexualized doll as their ideal self: Girls who took dance classes, had maternal influences that did not self objectify, had been taught to view media critically, and/or were raised with
strong religious beliefs were more likely to choose the doll with more clothing as
their ideal self.”
This destructive structure needs to be restructured in every way possible to make it all-inclusive and accepting. Growing up in my culture body-shaming is normalized. The subtle jabs cut like. A knife but I just power through. Comments like “Oh, you put on weight” or the backhanded comments “You look good you just need to lose the gut” made me cringe but I saw nothing wrong with it. I hear those comments being said to other women. I see this personally and I’m learning daily that it needs to change