Read Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004). Complete this handout as you read
Baker_Manfedi Petitt (2004) Chapter 1Watch Complete this handout while watching the video.
Answer the questions below including specific evidence from the reading and video in your response:
- In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
- Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
- How do relationships between adults impact babies?
Reply to 1-2 other comments!
1. In the schools I have attended the Elementary school model was used mostly all thought not fully. My parents and teachers only met when they were parent teachers conferences and had very little day to day contact. Even thought I don’t think relationships were discourage they often ended with the school year did.
2. I would want to work in a family model program, I believe in the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” and everyone in that child’s life impacts them in some way or the other, it might be a school that’s not a teacher or an extended family. And all working together it ensure all that child need a being met.
3. Babies depend solely on adults and relationships between adults ensure that babies needs are being met both at home and childcare centers .
I agree that working with a school with family model program would be better so, we can all communicate and build bonds.
My schools were the same way the teachers didn’t know any of the parents . Now i see a difference my daughters teachers contact me tic monthly to let me know how she is doing and whats going on.
Mel — Thanks for your comment in this activity. It does take a village to raise a child & everyone impacts a baby’s life. Relationships between adults ensure babies needs are being met: I wonder, how does each party benefit from those relationships? I wonder, how can you make more specific connections to the reading in your comment?
1) In the schools I have attended the elementary model was used. My teachers didn’t have a relationship with the parents unless the child was in trouble. They would meet only parent teacher conferences, if the parent showed up up they would discuss the child if not then the parents wouldn’t know anything. After school hours and once school was over the relationship ended.
2) I would like to work in the family model . Having the support of family, friends, and teachers makes a huge difference in a child’s life . They’re able to build trust which can also help with future emotional and social development.
3)Adults need a healthy relationship where they can communicate and work together in order to provide and assure that a child’s needs are met.
Hello Brittney
My school back in Ecuador also made use of the “Elementary school model”, I think it is because of the culture. If my parents ever had a very close relationship with teacher It would have seen unethical. In my case, I was always well behaved and a very happy child, for my parents never had the need to come to school. In addition, in my school, relationship between parents and teacher were never encouraged.
Hi Brittney,
I agree with you on every point you made in your response. In my elementary school, my teachers didn’t have a relationship with my parents unless it had something to do with me. My parents and teachers would meet during the parent-teacher conferences and talent shows and that was it. I also would like to work with the family model because I also believe that having family friends and teachers can have a huge influence on a child. I believe that it’s very important for adults to have a healthy relationship that way a child is able to have whatever they need.
Hi Brittney, I believe sometimes it may not be the intentions of the parent or school to fall in to the elementary model , they pus get busy with other things in life such as work.
Brittney — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Relationships between adults ensure babies needs are being met: I wonder, how does each party (families, teachers & babies) benefit from those relationships? I wonder, how can you make more specific connections to the reading in your comment and ensure your comment is unique?
1) In my schools, I have seen most of the elementary model being used. Parents and teachers would not communicate unless it was something relating to the child. They would only see each other at school-related events like orientation night, parent-teacher conferences.
2) I would prefer to work with the Family Model. I’m very big on family and I think it’s important for children to be close with family so that way they can learn how to trust people.
3) Adults relationships have a big impact on babies. Adults should have a mutual relationship with each other to make sure that the child has whatever they need.
I agree with you, the family has a big impact on the child, and when the adults have good relationships. It will benefit the child.
Hello Diamunique
I agree with. I strongly believe that working in a center base on the “Family Model” is the best option because these centers valued relationships and budged equally. In addition, they are focus on relationships with my students and their parents. I think that in order to create a good environment for the children we should always work together as a team, providing unconditional support for the children development.
1. In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know? In the schools I attended, the elementary-school model was used because communication between parents and teachers rarely occurred unless the child misbehaved.
2. Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why? I would like to work with the family model because I think having a relationship with the child’s relatives will help the child succeed.
3. How do relationships between adults impact babies? Building a warm, positive, and trusting relationship between adults will have a positive impact on the child’s confidence and mental health.
I agreed because it’s important to have an positive impact on the child’s confidence and mental health.
Hi Daniela,
I really enjoyed reading your response. I agree that building a relationship with a child’s family will be great because it will help children succeed. I believe that adults having a warm and positive relationship with each other will have a positive impact on the child’s confidence and mental health because children need to be able to have someone that they can talk to whenever they need to talk or whenever they’re feeling sad, angry, etc.
Daniela — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Relationships between teachers and families help the child to success; I wonder, who else benefits from the relationships? I wonder, how can you make your comment unique and make more specific connections to the reading & video in your comment?
Daniela — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Relationships between teachers and families help a child to succeed; I wonder, who else benefits from those relationships? I wonder, how can you make your comment unique and make more specific connections to the reading & video in your comment?
1)In the schools I’ve attended such as elementary and middle school model was used, because I remember getting in trouble once which was the only time they communicated so including myself and another children that didn’t follow directions.But then again when students did a good job they would communicate with the families as well.such as parent teacher conference, or school clubs.
2)The model I would like to work in is “Family Model” because according to the video titled “Building relationships” it’s important to build a bond with both children and parents, so they can feel comfortable and trusty of you.
3)Relationships with between adults can impact babies because the child won’t feel comfortable and won’t open up and refuse to learn and develop on new things for their mental health.
Lesly — Thanks for your comment. Building a build with the family promotes trust; I wonder, why is it important that a family trusts an infant teacher? It does take a village to raise a child & everyone impacts a baby’s life. Relationships between adults affect babies in many ways: I wonder, how do teachers and families benefit from those relationships? I don’t remember Baker & Manfreddi/Pettit talking about a middle-school model of programming. I wonder, how can you make more specific connections to the reading in your comment?
1. I attended the Elementary School Model, according to (Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit 2004). The Elementary School model is when the relationships between the parents and the teachers are very formal, and the parents only gets involved if there is a problem with the child. That is exactly what I remembered, and it was how the relationships between my teachers and my parents were.
2. I would like to work with Family Model, according to (Baker & Manfredi/ Pettit (2004). The Family Model is a combination in where both parents and the caregivers are involved together enhance the child development in every aspect. So, I choice that model because I feel when both the family and caregiver/teacher are working together that’s will benefits the child so much.
3. The relationships will impact the babies in a very positive way. In which they will both be able to create a curriculum and routine that nurtures the baby and strengthens their developmental domains.
1.- In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
My school back in Ecuador made use of the “Elementary school model”, It was not exactly the same, but it was very similar. For example, my family and my teacher only met at formal conferences. My mom and my dad were busy working and they only met my teacher at the end or at the beginning of the year. In addition, I used to be a good student and a happy child, for my parents never were worried me performing bad at school. As Read Baker & Manfredi state, “a little day to day contact, unless the child is doing poorly.” In addition, ongoing relationship between parents and teachers were not encourage. I don’t know if it was because of the culture or because this happened years ago, but if my parents had a close relationship with my teacher it wouldn’t have been ethical.
2.- Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
I would like to work in a center base on the “Family Model” focus on relationships with my students and their parents. Working with the family is very important because parents are the first teachers and they should understand the important role that they play in their children’s lives, we should always work together as a team, providing unconditional support to the children development. I like the fact that these centers value relationships and budged equally.
3.- How do relationships between adults impact babies?
Relationships between adults impact babies because adults can provide a foundation of security and trust where babies can feel secured and comfortable. As I could observed on the video “Building relationships” there were three pictures where a family childcare provider carried the baby against her chest, making the baby feel incredibly comfortable and relaxed.
Hello Marcela, I totally agree that building a relationship with students and parents will be better for the development of the child.
I wan to agree with your answer towards the importance of how relationships between adults impact babies. babies do indeed begin to feel secure and comfortable. babies are aware of who is present and who is not also they’re aware of what you do for them and how often which build up the trust, bond, and comfort that’s needed
I agree with you Elizabeth because the parents barely had any contact with the teachers unless there was a conflict. The parents would have to go and talk about the issues that are being presented.
Elizabeth — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. You have clear connections to the reading in your post. You mention that the relationship between your teachers and family was very formal; I wonder, what makes it an elementary school model and not a business model? Relationships between teachers & families can impact babies positively — or negatively; I wonder, what factors will determine how the relationships between families & infant teachers impact babies? I wonder, how does the video connect to your comment?
1. The schools I have attended for example middle school model was used because in middle school my teachers wouldn’t speak to my parents. They only spoke when it was about my grades but they wouldn’t build a relationship with each other. They would also speak when I would get involved with my friend’s problems just because I saw them fight, they would question me and they would tell my mom.
2. I would use “Family Model” because according to the video building relationships is key when working with infants and toddlers. Having a relationship with the parents is important so they can trust you and so they can be comfortable leaving their kids with you.
3. If you have a relationship with the parents and the children see that, they will be able to feel comfortable around you and they will trust you.
I agree with you Madeline. in middle school or most of my experience simply being in school, teachers and parents weren’t trying not build a relationship. things were only discussed usually through parent teacher conferences.
Madelin — Thanks for your comment in this activity. You referenced the video in your comment. I did not see Baker & Manfreddi/ Pettit (2004) mention a middle school model of care. Families trusting infant teachers is crucial; I wonder, why is that trust between the adults important for babies? While older children can observe the interactions between adults, babies are perceptive in other ways. I wonder, how can you make more specific connections to the reading in your comment?
1. In the schools I have attended, the model that was used was the “Elementary-school model”. This model was the one that was used because there was barely any contact with my parents only when we had the formal meetings that would happen at least twice a year and the meetings would be very short.
2. I would like to work in “The Family model” because it forms a community and they try to cooperate for the child’s well being. It also helps the child thrive because they feel cared for and would adapt this model for their adult lives.
3.Relationships between adults impact babies because as Baker and Manfredi/ Pettit said the baby needs to be surrounded by adults who are able to care for them but also care about them. The relationships between adults shape the child’s identity and develop who they are.
Brenda — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The messages we receive & interactions we have with others forms who we are, our identity, our understanding of how the world operates, and sets the foundation for how we will form relationships with other people. I wonder, how does the video connect to your comment?
1.In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
I have attended elementary school model was used, usually parents and teachers would only communicate if there was a parent teacher conference or due to a certain behavior.
2.Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why? I would use “Family model” as I watched in the video relationship is really important to build when working with infants and toddlers especially if you build a relationship with the Childs parents can be really great because you can build that trust and the child and parent feel safe.
3.How do relationships between adults impact babies? Relationships between adults impact babies when you make them feel safe and comfortable by building relationships so they can trust you.
Selanie — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. It is important for infant teachers to build trust with a family; I wonder, what makes a baby feel safe when you build trust with the family? I wonder, how can you make your comment unique from other and include more specific connections to the reading in your comment?
1) In my schools, I’ve mostly seen the elementary model being used. Parents and teachers wouldn’t communicate unless it was a parent teacher conference or if a child is simply not doing the right things from my experience.
2) I would prefer to work with the Family Model because I strongly believe it’s important for children to be able to trust and be comfortable in whatever space they’re in and having to deal with.
3) Adults’ relationships can have a big impact on babies. It is proven that having a relationship as a teacher or a parent with each other can improve not only the caregiver and parents understanding and relationship towards each other but also help the child itself with bonding, comfortability and building trust.
Marielys — — Thanks for your comment in this activity. It is important for babies to feel comfortable & to develop trust with their infant teachers; I wonder, how does the family model encourage children to trust and feel comfortable? You include some important information in your response to question #3; I wonder, where is that research from? I wonder, how can you make more specific connections to the reading & video in your comment?
In the schools you attended, which model of center culture did the program use? How do you know?
Which model of center culture would you like to work in? Why?
How do relationships between adults impact babies?
1) In the schools I have attended the elementary model was used. My teachers didn’t have a relationship with the parents unless the child was in trouble. They would meet only parent teacher conferences, if the parent showed up they would discuss the child if not then the parents wouldn’t know anything.
2) I would like to work in the family model. Because It takes a lot to raise children and teach them. Having the support of family, friends, and teachers makes a huge difference in a child’s life . They’re able to build trust which can also help with future emotional and social development. All the needs being met by the adult.
3)Adults need a healthy relationship where they can communicate and work together in order to provide and assure that a child’s needs are met. As to teaching them and making them feel empowered to work alone and be able to have developmental skills.
Julissa — Thanks for your comment in this activity. A family model offers many benefits to infants, families, and teachers. According to Baker & Manfreddi/ Pettit (2004), how do relationships between adults impact babies? I wonder, how can you make stronger connections/ citations to the readings in your comment?