Module 1 Introductions Activity #2: Being Successful Online Classes



After watching the video about time management and tips for online student success, go to FlipGrid ( your user name is your 1st name as it appears on CUNY First — reach out to me if you have trouble accessing FlipGrid) to answer the following questions:

  1. What techniques do you plan to use manage your time to be successful in this class — at least 1 should be from the video.  
  2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? 
  3. How will you deal with those challenges? 

Reply to other 1-2 other videos or comments!



30 thoughts on “Module 1 Introductions Activity #2: Being Successful Online Classes”

  1. 1. Techniques I plan to use are using a calendars and setting reminders on my phone to remind me of due dates and build relationships with classmates and instructor.
    2. The challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques are work and waiting last to complete assignments.
    3. I plan to deal with these challenges by making sure I stay on top of due dates early

  2. 1)Some techniques I plan to use would be to set reminders, also to build relationships with my online course.
    2)The challenge that could prevent me from using this techniques would be my job schedule and Procrastinating.
    3)The way I will deal with those challenges would be time management.

    1. Lesly — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Scheduling time to complete school work can be an issue when you work & have family responsibilities. I wonder, what time management strategies do you plan to use in ECE 209?

  3. 1. Some techniques I plan to use in order to be successful in this class is to use my academic planner and calendar on my laptop to remind me of any assignments/quizzes and/or papers.

    2. The challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques is getting distracted from watching new tv shows or just putting off any assignments to due last min by telling myself everyday, oh its not due until this day so I still I have time. Big time procrastination!!

    3. I plan on dealing with these challenges by using time management and staying on top of my assignments by doing my assignments after each class so I can have more free time and then I won’t feel as stressed when receiving other assignments from other classes.

  4. 1) Some techniques i will use to manage my time are planning and engaging. I feel that if I write things down and set a time and a date to complete assignments ,a reading and or studying it will help me to get more done in a shorter amount of time. It will also take away the stress of having to get a lot of work done at once. Engaging with my professor and classmates will help to have a better understanding of what is going on in the class.
    2)Some of the challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques are my other every day activities such as work and being a full time mom.
    3)In order to deal with these challenges I will make a schedule for both my daughter and I so there will be a time and a place for everything to get done.

    1. Brittney — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Being a working mom who is also taking classes is a lot to juggle. Your idea of pacing & scheduling times for different activities seems like a good one. I am curious to see how that works.

  5. 1) Some techniques that I plan to use to be successful in this class adding important dates to my calendar so I can remember when assignments are due and build relationships with my classmates.
    2). Some challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques is putting things off at the last minute and constantly getting distracted by my family.
    3) I will deal with these challenges by creating a work schedule for myself so I can get everything done before the due dates.

    1. Hi Diaminique
      I think that adding important dates to your calendar is a great idea because sometimes is hard to recall something important as due dates, when we have million things in our minds. By using these techniques we can manage our time in a better way and do our assignments on time.

    2. Diamunique — Thanks for creating a comment in this activity. I have to everything in my calendar so I do not forget anything. Creating a work schedule sounds like a good idea — I wonder, how will it work for you?

  6. 1.the techniques I am planning to use to manage my time to be successful is time management. And staying organized.
    2. Some challenges that could prevent me from using this technique is getting distracted by other thing.
    3. I will deal with those challenges by working on my assignments daily.

    1. Elizabeth — — Thanks for creating a comment in this activity. It is so easy to get distracted — especially since we are working from home/ remotely. I wonder, what time management and organization strategies do you plan on using? Setting aside time each day to complete work sounds like a good idea; I wonder, how will it work for you?

  7. 1. What techniques do you plan to use to manage your time to be successful in this class? The techniques I am planning to use to manage my time are calendars and reminders on my phone/laptop
    2. What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques? Some challenges that could prevent me from using the techniques are my job schedule or being distracted by other things on my phone.
    3. How will you deal with those challenges? I will deal with those challenges using time management

  8. 1) What techniques do you plan to use to manage your time to be successful in this class?
    I plan on using a calendar to map out when assignments are due and how much time I have left to compete them.

    2) What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    Challenges that could prevent me from using this techniques is that it can look too overwhelming and I end up getting anxiety over it. I could also have a hard time sticking with the schedule because of other obligations that I have in my life.

    3) How will you deal with those challenges?
    I will deal with these challenges by trying to take on small chunks at a time with breaks in between. I will do my best to not get overwhelmed by everything. If I’m having a hard time I can always reach out to the professor to let them know what’s going on.

    1. Zoe — — Thanks for creating a comment in this activity. Breaking things into chunks seems like it may make it more manageable — whether that be study time or assignments, etc. Sometimes calendars/ to-do-lists can be overwhelming & anxiety producing; I wonder, what do you do when your calendar or to-do-list creates anxiety?

  9. 1) What techniques do you plan to use to manage your time to be successful in this class?
    Some techniques I plan to use to manage my time to be successful in this class is to use the calendar and reminder app on my phone to let me know when my work or quizzes are due.

    2) What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    the challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques is that it could seem like a lot of work for me and I would get overwhelmed.

    3) How will you deal with those challenges?
    I will try to take breaks in between while doing my work. I will also try to do best without overwhelming myself with so much work.

    1. Madelin — — Thanks for creating a comment in this activity. Taking breaks when you are working prevents you from being overwhelmed and exhausted from work. You can be more productive, focused & energized when you take breaks. I wonder, how will building breaks into your work schedule work for you?

  10. 1. sOme techniques that I plan to use to manage my time and be successful in this class is use a planner and the remind app.
    2. I intend to procrastinate a lot and do things last minute.
    3. I will make time to do my work and eliminate distractions.

    1. Brenda — — Thanks for creating a comment in this activity. I find the Remind app to be very useful — I hope you do too! Since we are all working from home/ at a distance, eliminating distractions is challenging.

  11. 1) What techniques do you plan to use to manage your time to be successful in this class?
    The techniques I am planning to use are:
    -Make a plan, so I can balance all of my courses and do my homework on time.
    -Engage with the course by reading the syllabus carefully and exploring the open lab as well as the other webpages that we are going to be using in this class.

    2) What challenges could prevent you from using the techniques?
    It has been very challenging for me, because It is the beginning of the semester and it seems like a lot of work to do, for sometimes I feel very anxious. Also I’m still trying to figure out the best way to balance my courses with my daily life.

    3) How will you deal with those challenges?
    I think I can deal with those challenges by staying focused and be more organized. I should try to relax and email my professor in case I have difficulties or problems I don’t know how to deal with.

    1. Marcela — — Thanks for creating a comment in this activity. The syllabus, course guide, course policies, and assignment guidelines contain a wealth of info to support your success in ECE 209. Finding a work/ life balance is a challenge. I wonder, what organization strategies do you plan on using?

  12. 1. Techniques I plan to use are using a calendars and setting reminders on my phone to remind me of due dates and build relationships with classmates and instructor.
    2. The challenges that could prevent me from using these techniques are work and procrastinating .
    3. I plan to deal with these challenges by making sure I stay on top of due dates early on.

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