Programming & Treatment

Key Idea:  Rehabilitation is Dead | In Key Ideas in Criminology and Criminal Justice (2011) Sage Publishing.

Key Work:  Martinson, Robert (1974). What works? Questions and answers about prison reform. The Public Interest, 35, 22–54.

Key Idea:  Rehabilitation – Not Dead Yet | In Key Ideas in Criminology and Criminal Justice (2011) Sage Publishing.

Key Work:  Andrews, D. A., Zinger, I., Hoge, R. D., Bonta, J., Gendreau, P., & Cullen, F. T. (1990). Does correctional treatment work? A clinically relevant and psychologically informed meta-analysis. Criminology, 28, 369–404.

Why Prison Education? | Prison Studies Project

Recidivism | National Institute of Justice

Inmate Programs & Treatment |

Prison Programs | Prison Policy Initiative

Prison Studies Project | CSG Justice Center

The Use and Impact of Correctional Programming for Inmates…| National Institute of Justice

Programs that Help Offenders Stay Out of Prison | National Institute of Corrections

Death and Rehabilitation | M. Ryan (2012) 46 U.C. Davis Law Review 1231, SMU Dedman School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 112

Handbook of Recidivism Risk / Needs Assessment Tools | Singh et al. (2018), Newark: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated

Selected Reading

Martinson report overview