“A Horseman in the Sky” by Ambrose Bierce is a captivating short story set during the American Civil War. The narrative follows a young soldier named Carter Druse, raised by wealthy Virginia parents, who is stationed on a remote mountaintop lookout. While on duty, he spots a horseman making his way through the valley below. After firing at this unknown horseman, Druse soon comes to dreadfully realize that the horseman he shot was his own father.
With the protagonist now facing this profound dilemma, Ambrose Bierce masterfully explores themes of duty, loyalty, and the moral complexities of war, leading to a dramatic and thought- provoking conclusion.
Throughout the story, Bierce utilizes various literary devices to immerse the reader in the atmospheric and emotional landscape of war. One notable device is imagery, which Bierce uses to vividly depict the setting and convey the eerie atmosphere of the mountaintop. For example, he describes the mist-covered landscape, writing, “the low vapor in which the valley was wrapped moved in scarcely perceptible currents, as if breathed by an occasional fitful puff of wind.” This imagery creates a sense of isolation and foreboding, mirroring the uncertainty of war.
Bierce also utilizes symbolism to deepen the thematic resonance of the story. Its title, “Horseman in the Sky,” serves as a potent symbol of death and the ever-present sense of violence on the battlefield. The image of the horseman becomes a haunting reminder of the dreadful side of war.
After reading Bierce’s “A Horseman in the Sky,” I found this tragic story to be profoundly thought-provoking. As I reflected on the thought of how in a life like now where most children, like myself, are fortunate enough to not need to fret that a situation like Druse’s were to ever occur, followed by feelings of gratitude, recognition, and empathy becoming enlightened within myself.
With that said, I wholeheartedly recommend “A Horseman in the Sky” to other students and readers who are interested in literature that delves into the complexities of war and human morality. Especially with Bierce’s skillful use of literary devices and his exploration of these themes make this short story a captivating and worthwhile read.
Get the story! “A Horseman in the Sky” is included in Civil War Stories, which you can check out at BMCC’s Library. You can also read the story online or download it as an ebook from Project Gutenberg or listen to an audio recording of it from LibriVox.
About the author This review is by an anonymous student.
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