Another hot summer is swiftly passing by! Things have been quiet here at BMCC Reads, but we’ve been working behind the scenes on some of our plans for the fall, including publishing book reviews by Intro to Lit students. In the meantime, we’ve also been adding some information to the site.
New Pages and Posts
Who makes things happen here at BMCC Reads? Read our new About Us page to find out.
Are you looking for more to read in addition to the books and zines we’ve reviewed? Check out the resources at our More Book Recommendations page.
Finally, we’ve got a new post on zines.
Sharing Our Reading
In May we published two reviews and a reading reflection. More reviews highlighting books in our leisure reading and comics and graphic novels collections are coming soon. And if you have thoughts to share about your reading, please contribute a post to our blog!
The Journey Followed in the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
The Complexities of Growing Older in The Year We Turned Forty by Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke
& more writing
That’s all for now! What about you? Let us know about your summer reading in the comments.
Until next time!
— Rachael