It’s been a minute since my last update! I don’t know how you experienced the fall semester, but for me, it was busy, busy, busy and whizzed right by.
And now, here we are, about one week into the spring semester! Here’s what the BMCC Reads team has been up to.
Past and Future Events
In October’s Horror & Halloween event, we shared spooky book recommendations and bookmarks and invited folks to make buttons, and in December, we hosted a silent book party. For each of these events, we shared a book list: recommendations for Halloween reading, and recommendations for escapist reading.
For the spring semester, we’re planning regular gatherings for silent reading and (I hope!) a series of poetry-related events. Stay tuned for more!
Sharing Our Reading
We have some half-dozen reviews in the queue, plus, for February, a round-up of some of the best romance novels in BMCC’s leisure reading collection. I’m eager to share that all with you!
In the meantime, please enjoy the writings of some of Professor Vick’s English 201 students. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of them!
That’s all for now! What about you? Let us know in the comments what you’re reading or looking forward to reading.
Until next time!
— Rachael