Sonic and Tails: Best Buds Forever Is a Comic for Fans of All Ages

book cover of Sonic & Tails: Best Buds ForeverSonic and Tails: Best Buds Forever takes Sonic and Tails on an adventure to stop Dr. Eggman’s plans for destroying the world. Sonic and Tails are determined to save the world and put a stop to Eggman’s plot and avoid the town to be destroy. Dr. Eggman won’t rest until his evil plan unfolds. Can Sonic, Tails and the rest of the crew members stop Eggman’s evil plans from destroying the town?

The story begins with Eggman’s robots—the Badniks—hurting innocent hedgehogs. But one brave hedgehog was telling other hedgehogs to go hide. He tried to battle the robots on his own but wasn’t strong enough to fight them. Until someone came fast and smashed them to bits. That person is Sonic the Hedgehog. He’s the fastest and most heroic hedgehog you can count on and rely for saving the day. Sonic protects and cares for citizens to not be in danger from criminals, especially Dr. Eggman. Let’s not forget that Sonic likes to make jokes one or two times when he takes down Eggman’s robots. He’s the type of hedgehog that likes to play and act out around people and his friends. During the rescue, Sonic tells the hedgehog citizens to go someplace safe, then says, “Nice chat, need to save town … catch you guys later!”

Sonic continues to smash down Eggman’s robots. However, he was in trouble with a particular robot that has a hammer and was gaining his speed and kept on approaching till the robot is ready to hit Sonic, but then Tails, the most trusted sidekick, came to his rescue when the robot couldn’t smash Sonic with his metal hammer. Sonic was happy to see Tails and thank him for saving his life. They always will stick by each other’s side.

After battling Dr. Eggman’s Badniks, they discuss about Eggman’s disappearance. They both were suspicious about the robots being coordinated and well trained by Eggman’s orders. Sonic and Tails wonder if he’s plotting for revenge. The rest of the story tells how Sonic, Tails, and the rest of the crew—Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, and Rouge—team up on finding Eggman and put a stop to his plot against destroying the world.

This book is about friendship and adventure. The art in the book is similar to the game. It feels 3-D, like a pop-up book, like characters are coming out of the page. I love this book because it starts out with Sonic and Tails, and as I kept reading it, it talks about the other characters too, because as Sonic and Tails go out for adventure, they bump into their friends. It makes it feel like I’m actually watching on TV. You have pictures in there, you have colors in there. It relaxes my mind.

There’s no age difference between young adult or old when you are a Sonic fan. Your attention is captivated by the story, gameplay, or art. So this book could be for anyone who enjoys Sonic, who is a big fan of Sonic or any of his friends.

Get the book! Check out Sonic and Tails: Best Buds Forever at the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library (in print or as an e-book), or the Queens Public Library.

maple leaves in their fall colorsAbout the author Fall is in her third semester at BMCC and will graduate this year. She plans to get her AA degree in Early Childhood. During her spare time, she enjoys books, outdoors, sketching, exercise, taking photos, and swimming. As for her personality, she’s friendly, funny, and respectful. She hopes you enjoy some of the books she writes about at BMCC Reads.

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