Today I’m sharing the first monthly update of what the BMCC Reads team has been reading, writing, and doing.
Celebrating National Poetry Month
We celebrated National Poetry Month with a Blackout Poetry Snack Break outside the library on April 19. Participants grabbed a snack and sat with us for a few minutes or longer to make poems out of the words they found on the pages of books and magazines. We’ll be making a zine out the poems made that day—look for it at the library.
Did you miss the event? You can make your own blackout poems all the same. Download the instructions [handwritten version / accessible Word version] and try it out!
Looking Ahead
As the semester comes to a conclusion this month and we finish up final projects and prepare for final exams, the BMCC Reads team is already looking ahead to the fall. We have big plans! We’re going to be experimenting with audio and podcasting, bringing you more events like the Blackout Poetry Snack Break, and more. Keep an eye on this site for more details.
Sharing Our Reading
In April we published four reviews and a reading reflection. Do you have thoughts to share about your reading? If so, please contribute a post to our blog!
for National Poetry Month
The Beauty and Resilience of Black Women in Every Body Looking by Candice Iloh
A Mind in Crisis in The Boss by Victoria Chang
other reviews
Seeking Love with Humor in We Should Hang Out Sometime by Josh Sundquist
A Friendship Forms Amidst the Obstacle of Cultural Difference in The Lightning Queen by Laura Resau
& more writing
That’s all for now! What about you? Let us know in the comments what you’re reading or looking forward to reading.
Until next time!
— Rachael