I used to be the kind of person that watched movies over books and spoilt endings before beginning anything. However, reading taught me patience, urging me to savor each and every word before flipping to a new page.
News, Reviews & Reflections
It’s amazing how storytelling and poetry can touch my feelings and change my perspective on how I look at things. It’s like looking through other points of view into different cultures, eras, and even mental states.
Sometimes the best thing to do on a break is to escape into a book that takes you far, far, away from everyday life and into romance, mystery, or a completely different world. Here are some of our suggestions.
The cooler days and longer nights of autumn are a great time to get comfortable with a book—or to get spooked by one. Here are some of our suggestions.
Another hot summer is swiftly passing by!
What I really enjoyed about the book was that it had a realistic perspective on women in their 40s dealing with regrets from their past and the “what if” outcomes of their choices.
Finding that out left middle school me in shock and as typical as the mind of a middle schooler was, the first thought in my head was that I was adopted.
The poems in this collection all bring forth some kind of emotion, each relatable in one way or the other for each person who reads them. Within these poems the reader is able to find one that speaks to them and find closure and comfort.
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Among the crises the narrator is dealing with is her father’s aphasia—words lost to his stroke—and the jumble of words that compose each poem resembles her father’s struggle with language.
There are so many things books can do that are amazing. Books will always be my safe place no matter how long I go without reading, and for many others as well I hope one day that books can wiggle themselves into everyone’s life and brighten their day when it’s needed.
In the words of the gypsy fortune teller and Esma, “This boy, Teo, and I, Esma, Queen of Lightning, are on the path to being loyal friends for our long lives. . . . if our friendship lasts, we will save each other when no one else can. This is our destiny!”