Recovering Special Moments in The Train of Lost Things by Ammi-Joan Paquette

book cover of The Train of Lost Things by Ammi-Joan PaquetteThe Train of Lost Things by Ammi-Joan Paquette is about Marty, a boy who embarks on this journey to find a special jacket his father, who is now critically ill, gave him. The story is based on a tale Marty’s dad used to tell him—a story about a magical train that collects lost objects and stores them until they can be reunited with its original owner.

I want to start off by telling you that this book will trigger emotions unimaginable. This book reveals how truly precious life is and how every moment of it is special. As Marty says:

There are moments that are small enough to be instantly forgotten. Blink once and they’re gone, never to cross the mind again. Only later, much later, can you look back and see those moments for what they were: pivots . . . After that, it’s a blur of movement and action and adventure, but . . . look back. It all starts from that one little moment. That one little what if.

This book will change your life. Every detail was well orchestrated, and the character is written to perfectly relate to a wide audience of ages and experiences.

Get the book! Check out The Train of Lost Things at BMCC’s Library, the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library, or the Queens Public Library.

About the author Meet A, short for Adri, a multi-talented artist from NYC bringing you the most honest, heartfelt reviews about books that have changed the world. Born and raised in Queens, A fosters an environment for creativity in her everyday life. She consistently surprises herself and others with her unique abilities in connecting with people through music, art, poetry, and life’s unimaginable experiences.

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