ECE 209

Artifact: Students will showcase their understanding of effective practices for working with families with infants birth to 18 months that were developed by coding/ categorizing course content.

Computational Thinking Skills:

  1. Pattern Recognition: identifying themes in content;
  2. Algorithmic thinking: going through a sequence of steps to code data;
  3. Abstraction: identifying themes & common in data

Rationale: The rationale for this assignment is to introduce students to the process of identifying categories and themes from qualitative data.

Course Learning Outcomes: Students will code/ categorize course content to identify effective practices for working with families with infants birth to 18 months.

Student Directions



Purpose: The purpose of the Effective Practices: Working with Families is for you to:

  • Recognize the importance of working with families who have infants;
  • Identify effective practices for work with families who have infants from 2-18 months old;
  • Build a toolkit of strategies to engage and partner with families;
  • Identify culturally responsive practices to work with families;

Task: To expand and deepen your knowledge of working with families of infants, you will engage in a semester-long group project to identify effective practices for working with families who have infants. In each module, you will develop a list of effective practices for working with families who have infants from all the readings, videos, and materials in the module. Cite the source from which you located the effective practices.

Steps: Follow these steps to complete the Effective Practices Working with Families who Have Infants Project:

  1. As you review the materials in each module — readings, videos, podcasts, etc. — develop a list of the effective practices working with families who have infants;
  2. Post the list of effective practices working with families who have infants identified, citing the source, on each Seminar module in the activity “Effective Practices Working with Families who Have Infants”;
  3. For Module 5, write the practices from modules 1-4 into the Chart: Part 1. What practices to you see repeated? What practices are similar, related, or connected? Those are “themes”. Give each list of themes a name that Effective describe the practices in the list. List the practices under each theme.
  4. In Module 14, write the practices from module 6-11 into the Chart: Part 2. What practices to you see repeated? What practices are similar, related, or connected? Those are “themes”. Give each list of themes a name that Effective describe the practices in the list. List the practices under each theme.
  5. In Module 15, Themes Presentation, review the practices and themes from Chart: Part 1 and Chart: Part 2. Are any practices or themes connected, similar, or related?  If so, combine them into 1 theme.
  6. Create a presentation of the themes, explain the themes and practices that comprise each theme. 
  7. Determine your presentation format — a paper, graphic, slide deck, comic strip, video, or another way. Include your sources.

EFFECTIVE PRACTICES FOR WORKING WITH FAMILIES WHO HAVE INFANTS ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA — if you can answer ‘yes’ to all questions, your paper meets expectations for the assignment

PRACTICESIdentify multiple effective practices for working with families from each module? 
THEMESLabel the practices that are similar, connected, &/or related? 
SOURCESIdentify the sources in APA format? 
CLARITYPresent in a coherent, clear, organized manner, with evidence of proofreading? 
THEMESIdentify effective themes for working with families who have infants from ECE 209-Seminar? 
PRACTICESIdentify multiple effective practices for working with families that comprise each theme? 
ORGANIZATIONHave a clear, organized, engaging layout? 
SOURCESIdentify the sources from the practices in APA format? 
CLARITYPresent content in a coherent, clear, organized manner, with evidence of proofreading? 

Resources for Assignment

Best-Practices-Chart-Week-5-F24 Best-Practices-Chart-Week-13-F24