Activity #1: What is Computational Thinking?
Read: Wing (2006)
Wing-2006Read: Wing (2011)
CT-What-And-Why-copyRead: TERC Computational Thinking
TERC_Computational_Thinking_eBook-copy-1Read: Hunsaker (2020)
Read: Sheldon (2017) Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum
Read: Randles (2020) Teach Coding and Computational Thinking to Elementary Students
Optional Reading: Ofttenbreit-Leftwich & Yadav (2021)
ct_prek-5_web-4Optional Reading: Cantu & Cantu (2019)
Cantu-2019-1Activity #2: Problem Solving — Choose 1 Option
miro: https://miro.com
Google Doc to post work & replies:
Option #1: Build a Structure
Gather a set of construction materials. This website has examples of construction materials.
Build a structure with your construction set. As you build:
Document your process on miro https://miro.com
Take a picture of your final structure
Post your photo and miro link on the Google Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GMbNZSsziqKUUNICR9pJN_4PCnwLsImnOUVAdcEkQfo/edit?usp=sharing
If you built a structure, look through the Hello Ruby puzzles. Post a question about a colleague’s puzzle on the Google Doc under their link.
Option #2: Play Hello Ruby! Puzzle
Pick a puzzle from Hello Ruby https://www.helloruby.com/play/60 to complete.
Document your process using miro https://miro.com
Post your puzzle — using a picture, link, etc. — and your miro link on the Google Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GMbNZSsziqKUUNICR9pJN_4PCnwLsImnOUVAdcEkQfo/edit?usp=sharin
If you completed a puzzle, look through the structures. Post a question about a colleague’s structure on the Google Doc under their link.