Keep in mind our Online Discussion Guidelines:
Instructions for completing this discussion board assignment:
a) Identify which discussion question you are answering in your comment by placing the relevant number at the start of your answer. For example:
2. Crime has often been used as a form of social control by…
4. Michelle Alexander’s argument about segregation…
b) Respond to two other students’ comments.
Respond to the following questions in the “Comment” box below:
Okay, let ‘s go to the questions, consider the following:
- What is a Repressive State Apparatus? Why does Althusser call it “repressive”? Can we explain his choice of words here. Give an example.
2. Let’s do the same for the Ideological State Apparatuses. What are they, how do they seem to work?
3. Important: this question will appear on our exam: How are the Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses different from each other? What is the difference between the two?
4. Post an example of ideology. This could be a piece of writing, an image, video, pdf document, visual art, or music, clip from a movie. Next to your example, specify if this is an example of repressive or ideological apparatuses at work. I’ll start us of off by giving an example.
Here’s an example of ideology in music. The first video is the classic performance by Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock:
What song is he playing? How is this performance ideological?
1. Repressive state apparatus is the controlling factor of ideology. It consists of armed forces, prisons. police and any other systems used to install fear into fear into people. It is used to ensure that people will remain disciplined. Althusser uses the word “repressive” because the definition is to restrain something. In this case it is the people’s freedom because once you rebel the system will punish you. An example of this is when we grow up in school, they teach you this idea and once you disobey you are punished and seen as a bad student. This is how repressive ideology is taught to us.
2. Ideological state apparatus is used when the punishment system doesn’t work and fails. This is where subtle changes in the system are made and play the part in trying to give us an illusion of choice. This is because it makes people feel like they are involved in the situation, we see this is mass media and politics. They work by presenting different options to the people as a choice but in reality it doesn’t create real change. An example of this is the news channels, they present stories to the general public but change it and make it seem more dramatic so that we will fear it. The public will feel involved in the process but this is just a distraction to make us obey the system further.
3. Both states of apparatuses are different because they play different roles in disciplining people and who they are trying to go after. We are taught at a young age that obeying the rules should be the only option because we will get punished if we don’t. This is where the fear comes from, they begin with repressive apparatus to control us and ensure that we are following the rules and fear the consequences. When fear seems to no longer work they move on to the general public by creating illusions with Ideological state apparatuses. This is used to show change to the public and create a false decision making process that won’t really change anything. The main goal of this is to make the public feel involved so that they continue to obey together. The difference is that repressive apparatus attacks only those who chose to disobey while the ideological state goes after the general public.
4. file:///Users/kyaradominguez/Desktop/Fall%20Semester%202020/POL100%20WEEK3%20Q.4.pdf , This link is an image about classroom discipline rules. This example shows repressive ideology because it is teaching students to obey the classroom rules or else they will be punished for it with one the consequences listed. If the students behave well they are acknowledged for it which makes the students want to continue doing well.
I am not able to see the image you posted but with your explanation I was able to make a image in my head and understand what you where stating. I love the response to your questions it shows you put in a lot of effort into this .
hey i feel as your responses was very well thought out, i can tell you had a clear understanding of this topic. i like your response to question 3 it was understandable and helped me understand the main differences between the 2
Hello Kyara,
I love how well put together you responded. You seemed like if you really understand the concept.
Hi Kyara,
I also can’t see the pdf you’ve linked, maybe you can provide a link to the website where we can see it?
But, your summary is excellent! I have nothing to add! 🙂
1. A repressive state apparatus is basically the states way of discipline for example , prison, the army, the police, judiciary. Althusser uses the word repressive because it means to take the freedom away from a person or group of people. For example if a group of people protest and it goes wrong, they will or might get locked up in prison for this .
2.ideological state is when less violence or discipline is being used . Ideological state is used in school , churches .It is a way to teach kids from young to follow and obey rules and listen to teachers, parents, older siblings. If this is not followed thats where the dicipplne comes which is detention or call to parent.
3. Repressive and ideology state apparatus are different, ideological state is all about disciples in school . Kids are taught to follow rules and obey if not there will be consequences which include detention etc. Repressive state has more to do with the police , prisons .Repessive is used when ideological state won’t work anymore . Repressive state is used to dominate the working class using violence and discipline while ideological state is a way of doing the same thing repressive does except it uses less violence which is when they used schools , churches , social while repressive uses police , government, legislative.
4. “Every morning from the time we enter school we are taught to stand, place our hands over our hearts, and recite the age-old “Pledge of Allegiance.” It’s taught to us and constantly reinforced to teach us patriotism and respect when we are too young to even know what it means. The Pledge of Allegiance is basically an oath to the United States of America.”(Kaitlyn Miller RSAvsISA” This is an example of ideological state. This explains how school is used to enforce ideological apparatus.The pledge of alliance is something that is done in every school across the United States without a single explanation we are forced to do this.Thats how we are taught to follow and obey rules .
Hello Morayma, I liked reading your responses and how straightforward they are. In question 4 you answered with the pledge of allegiance and I think this is an excellent example to use. We were constantly reinforcing it everyday in the school I went to. I wonder why they made us do it as such a young age but not when we are older and it’s because at a mature age we don’t need to be reminded since it has been ingrained in our minds early on.
I loved how you used examples like the police, the army and judiciary it made this a lot easier t relate into things we see everyday in society.
your responses are well put together answering the questions to make me understand better.
Also an excellent summary! Indeed, the Pledge is an example of the ISA that Althusser is thinking of.
1. Repressive state apparatus is the discipline apparatus where you are punished if you don’t obey , respect people. Althusser called it repressive because they take away your freedom like put you in jail if you do something wrong. His choice of words here a correct because that is how the system is they teach you discipline where you if you do anything wrong you are punished. For example in school they teach you if you don’t do your homework they will give you detention or they wont let you go to lunch this is the systems way to them getting you to do what you want.
2. Ideological state apparatuses are when the state prevents change in areas like schools, politics and media. In politics they make it seem like you have responsibility in your community. They make you choose between two different things but in reality the changes aren’t really different. These seem to work because us as people think that we are choosing the best but in reality they represent the same thing but these are the only choices that they have.In the media they will blow up a news story to make it seem like they are making a change but in reality it is all the same.
3. Repressive and ideological state apparatuses are different from each other because repressive ideological state apparatuses only step in when ideological apparatuses don’t work. What this means is that you inject fear into them to get them to change their self- intrests. You threaten people to take away their freedom if they don’t follow what they say. While ideological apparatuses prevent change to the states. For example in politics they act like they give you a choice when they don’t , they give you choices which are the same, which often is no change.
This is a link of a picture. That shows a conservative ideology. It is almost like political cartoon that shows what conservatives protest for like no taxes , no gay marriage. This shows us what they believe in.
heyy , i loved the link you used as an example. The pictures shows a clear example of conservative ideology, it is showing us what they believe in.
excellent job Gisselle. In my opinion if anyone were to look at your response while knowing nothing about the class, they may definitely learn a majority of it just from how well written and detailed this was when submitted.
Hello Gisselle, In question 2 I liked how you gave a clear description of what Ideological state apparatus was, when you stated, “They make you chose between two different things but in reality the changes aren’t really different”. This was great because when they do this it is meant to be seen as an illusion of options to make us feel like we are part of making the decision and we have a choice, but in reality this is false because they make the options seem different but they really resemble each other and in the end real change doesn’t happen.
The link you used was super helpful being that I’m a visual learner!
Me too! A picture can indeed be worth a thousand words – a very relevant cartoon as well!
Excellent point comparing differences between the RSA and ISA: “repressive ideological state apparatuses only step in when ideological apparatuses don’t work”!!! Indeed, the ISAs are used more often in modern society, but the repression of police or court force, can always be used (for example), if the ideological apparatus (say, someone’s education) doesn’t bring that person “in-line” with the desires of those have power in society.
1) repressive apparatus controls you through the threat of violence including police, courts, and prisons. He used the word repressive because it is used to take aways someone freedom, repressive controls us. For example, like he explained we learn behaviors in school. We are taught to obey the rules and to be on our best behavior, when we do not listen we are punished.
2) Ideological state prevent change to the status quo including schools, politics, and the mass media. Less violence and less discipline is taking place. An example will be the mass media because they will make a news story seem so important and make it the headlines but there is no change to the situation going on.
3) Ideological apparatuses is used when repressive is failing. Repressive controls us and deals with fear, you scare them to get them to obey and change their ways, if failing to obey you will be discplined. While ideological is used for less violence and creating false narrative that will not work and require no change. Repressive focuses on people who do not listen while ideological goes into the public.
4) , this article is reffering to repressive apparatus. it states why discpline is important in the school systems.
Wow, I feel the class is really understanding this particular topic, and it is not necessarily an easy concept to grasp. Good work!!
Excellent points, Jasmine, especially “repressive apparatus controls you through the threat of violence”, I like how you chose to use “threat of violence” to illustrate the RSA. Yes, the implied, potential for violence against someone by the state institutions you have listed, goes to the hearth of what makes the rSAs (police, courts and prisons), the most powerful part of modern America politics. It is not surprising that most abuses of power (as we all know) take place in the police, courts and prisons.
Does that mean that the ideological aparatuses (the schools, etc.) are failing to accomplish their missions, and the RSAa have to step in a lot???
1. A repressive state apparatus function through violence like the police, court stand, and prison. Althusser calls it repressive because it define as inhibiting the freedom of a person or a group of people. For example, individuals may protest but if it becomes chaotic and not following the laws, they will be put to jail and suffer the consequences.
2. Ideological state apparatus are institutions such as education, churches, family and media. An example would be, we are suppose to follow by the rules in school and obey, if failed to do so, you will be punished for it and action will be taken.
3. The difference between a repressive state apparatus and ideology state apparatus is that R.S.A are those threaten to act with force if rules are not upheld. While the I.S.A does the act to construct the values and ideologies which govern the way people behave.
4. This is a link where it represents how is I.SA and R.S.A are being explained from someone else’s experience.
Hey, you certainly did a good job in making sure your answers were clear and easily understandable. it is full of facts which i love
Hello Bianka,
You did a great job with your answers. They were clear and very understandable.
Good points through out! On Q2, what would be an example of “construction of values”?
1) Louis Althusser formed the idea behind two types of controlled behavior. The first being repressive state apparatus and ideological state apparatus. For question number 1, the meaning behind repressive state apparatus is revealed among a manner to control individuals through countless threats of violence; using the assistance of police, courts, and prisons. The example will fall behind the use of fear, although that may not be the primary motivator. Thus, in proving otherwise, the example of fear used to prove this statement is by the hidden assistance of the main factors such as police, courts, and prisons. By plainly enforcing a harsh outlook against the police, while advertising the immediate consequences, it allows the message to spread rapidly within the emotion of not putting attention to oneself. Ultimately revealing a controlling mechanism for the disadvantaged.
2) Ideological state apparatus is used to prevent change to the status quo while including schools, politics, and the mass media. A great example that is given is how politics maintain the status quo by allowing choices, so to feel as though an importance has been made toward the community. But in reality, neither option is truly convenient. As a result, it paints the image of change that is evidently not accessible.Yet, faced to be dealt by most commonly the poor.
3) The repressive state apparatus and that of the ideological state apparatus were made to be seen as different. however, it is likely to still lead to the desired end result. What allows the two to vary in difference is how the repressive state apparatus is used to control, while the ideological state apparatus adheres to a picture of fantasy. Unfortunately, both can still be seen as a form to manipulate. Thus, within this profound use of power, it has turned or will further lead in the direction of inhumanity if things can not develop, and transform.
Above is a link that’ll lead to an article that speaks upon unjust marijuana charges. This is viewed as an example of repressive state apparatus because of the fact that this behavior is being done in an effort to control, and or eliminate those that have been discriminated against for centuries. This proves true being that the unjust efforts include trauma from police, courts, and prisons.
What is a Repressive State Apparatus? Why does Althusser call it “repressive”? Can we explain his choice of words here. Give an example.
A Repressive State Apparatus is a term developed by the Marxist theorist Lousie Althusser. It operated in the form of violence. This signifies fear and during people back in line if the fail the abide by the ideological rules. Examples of a state apparatus include schools, police departments and churches. From a young age we were thought to obey our parent, elders, authority figure and if we don’t their are consequences behind it.
2. Let’s do the same for the Ideological State Apparatuses. What are they, how do they seem to work?
An ideological State Apparatus is an institution such as the media, schools, and law and they all served to transmit the values of the state. Similarly to question one they basically serve the same purpose of confirming to the rules and regulation.
3. How are the Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses different from each other? What is the difference between the two?
To differentiate Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses from each other are as follows the Repressive State Apparatuses functions as a unified enitiy. They consist of the police, judiciary and prison system.
The Ideologyical State Apparatus uses methods such as the school system, churches, and the media by repression ideological control.
The difference between the two are one works as hard power by violence and the other as soft power like the educational system. Both of them are very similar since their main objective is to control.
Post an example of ideology. This could be a piece of writing, an image, video, pdf document, visual art, or music, clip from a movie. Next to your example, specify if this is an example of repressive or ideological apparatuses at work. I’ll start us of off by giving an example.
This example represent an ideological apparatuses on the educational system and how childere are expected to and follow the “school curriculum” and poses expectation of teachers and teaching.
Hello Renata,
I like how you explained your answers. It was easy to read along and comprehend.
Excellent discussion!
Hi Jessica, I like how your work was put together. I found the article very interesting and informative.
Nice word here: “manipulation”, it points our attention to the fact, that power in politics often takes the form of manipulating others, ideas, etc. To manipulate allows “to change others’ in ways that benefit those with power, with minimal resistance.
Hi Jasmine,
I found your siting informative and enlightening. I enjoy reading it.
1- Repressive State Apparatus in simpler terms is a way of enforcing discipline and rules/laws from either the country, government or state to their residents. Althusser uses “repressive” as a way to describe this because he felt like it only benefited one group of people whereas it should be benefitting or protecting everyone involved. After all, to be repressive towards something means to restrain freedom from a group of individuals.
2- Ideological state is when rulers are still being enforced just in a less aggressive/ direct way. Some good examples of ideological state can be schools or especially church. These places both heavily influence you to obtain the ability to obey anyone in a higher position of authority. For example, if a child is not compliant with school rules this is where room for discipline comes in and the kid can either get expelled or suspended.
3- Repressive and Ideological state are very different in terms of how these ways of influence are enforced. Repressive is a much more aggressive way to have someone follow your orders even if that means a group of people are disadvantaged compared to everyone else. The main similarity between the two of these methods is definitely the concept of how it encourages rule following and obedience.
4- this is an example and explanation of ideology. In this shared video, it starts off by giving the example of how superstitions are a form of ideology.
Excellent summary as well: especially liked the ISAs being less aggressive and indirect way of wielding power, and forcing other to do your wishes (even without knowing that they are functioning in someone else’s interest), and the fact that both aim to obtain our obedience!
1) As defined by Louis Althusser, a Repressive State Apparatus is the means by which the societal elites of any given country, such as nobles or clerics, use institutions such as the police force or the courts as a violent means of repressing the will of the working class itself to control and dominate them throughout any given state. Althusser makes the distinction of calling the State Apparatus “repressive” because in his opinion, the state uses methods of practicality such as politics and communication to control the working classes to make them obedient to the state either by usually violent means, and by extension inhibiting the free will and freedom of the working class.
2) As defined by Louis Althusser, Ideological State Apparatuses are the means by which any given state uses social institutions such as schools and the idea of civil society, to coerce the common working classes to remain loyal, obedient, and conformist to the will of the state and by extension, the elite classes. The Ideological State Apparatuses work in tandem with Repressive State Apparatuses because if the latter should fail in a given individual, the RSA makes sure the individual is violently put down and cast aside from society.
3) The Repressive State Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatus are different from each other by practicality means because while the RSA is an instrument of controlling the working class by violent and authoritative means such as the police and courts, the ISA uses sub-conscious coercion of the working class through civil obedience and learned values through means of the educational systems and formal society.
4), “Brueder in Zechen und Gruben” or roughly translated to “Brothers in Collieries and Mines” is a NSDAP Propaganda song that was created during the reign of the Third Reich that promoted the ideas of brotherhood, labor in service of the state, and the glorification of Adolf Hitler in it’s lyrics. This piece of music serves as an example of Althussers concept of ideological apparatus, as for those who don’t agree to the message and themes of the song, are merely outcasts and threats to the regime since they do not conform to the Third Reich’s societal ideal.
Excellent historical example, and overall summary!
1. Repressive State Apparatus controls you through the threat of violence including police, courts, and prisons. He calls it repressive because repressive means to restrain the freedom of a person or a group of people. The reason why he uses these choice of words is because we are taught from the very beginning especially when we begin school that we must follow rules. If we do not follow rules we will have consequences for not behaving the way we should. This is to instill in us that we must act a certain way in order to get what we want. But in reality its to us to act the way they want us to act. So in
school this is how repressed ideology is taught to us. If we don’t do our homework, or classwork, or we are late to school we are given consequences like detention or recess is taken away.
2. Ideological State Apparatuses is to prevent change to the status quo that include schools, politics and the mass media. An example is Politics maintain the status quo by giving you a choice so you feel like you have some sort of responsibility towards the society you live in. When in reality you are given choices between distinguishable parties. This basically gives you the illusion that you have a choice. When in reality it doesn’t make any real changes.
3. The difference between Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses is that Ideological only steps in when Repressive Apparatuses does not work. Repressive is the fear that is instilled in us to prevent us from doing things we are taught not to do. If we do these things, then we are to suffer the consequences. When Ideological is more of non violent option and presents you choices and no change.
Here is an example of Repressive Apparatuses. Classroom rules, that children will have to follow.
I ageee with your answer to number 2 that you said its the illusion of a choice when in reality it dont make any change its crazy how the world works to maniplualte us
Excellent summary as well! Also, your point about how the different ideological apparatuses create an illusion of choice, is very on point. We could add that the entire field of advertising plays this role: of creating illusions of needs and wants, which then millions of people act upon.
Repressive state apparatus is when you rule by force and you use your strength to emphasize your rule. He is talking about the government using their power to gain more power. He uses this because we learn from school that we must follow rules and if you dont follow rules their will be consequences. this is telling us that if we right we have to do right to get a good outcome. In reality that is what they use to control us and this is how repressed ideology is taught to us from early stages.
2-Ideologic state apartuses is to try to prevent change by giving us options to choose from. Its set up to give us options to make it seem like there will be change but they wont be any change.They use it mantain their power and spread false hope for a change by giving the options we have .
3-The difference between repressive and ideologic state is that repressive is a more aggressive way to make someone do the right thing vs ideologic is the mind games and giving people options to see what side they will go with more the left or right and also making it see that there would be change with options
Excellent! One thing to think a bit more about, if you get asked Q3 on the exam: say what you said here, and expand the discussion with more details and examples: i.e., what do you mean by “mind games”, or being “aggressive”, etc.
This is the link to many issues and the liberal and conservative point of views and you can view how they are very different and clearly which side seems selfish.
Thanks, I was looking for something like this!
1. The Repressive State Apparatus is a controlled behavior that is used through violence and fear. It includes police, court, and prison as a threat to keep everything under control. Althusser calls it repressive because this tactic is a way of restraining freedom from us by having us controlled through fear and violence. In schools we are taught to obey and be submissive to our authorities which are our teachers and when you choose to rebel you have consequences such as detention. These routines are why we reflect this behavior outside of school by obeying all authorities that come our way.
2. Ideological Apparatus steps in when the fear fails to put them in their place. Examples of Ideological Apparatus is school, politics, and the mass media. The need of being accepted and belonging to a group are strong motivators like fear. They make us seem like we have a choice but in reality, we don’t. The most powerful ideological apparatus is school since they have the advantage of having children almost every day with hours of their attention.
3. The difference between Repressive and Ideological Apparatus is that Ideological Apparatus works based on ideology while Repressive Apparatus based on repression. Repressive apparatus is focused more on controlling through fear with police, court, and jail while Ideological is controlled through politics, mass media, churches, and school.
4. Picture of ideological Apparatus :
Excellent summary as well!
1. Repressive State Apparatus is the idea that
our desires, beliefs, behaviors and preferences are culturally produced. Althusser uses the word ‘repressed’ because he believes that capitalism is exploitative and its role is to to keep those at the bottom of the pyramid, at the bottom, while those at the top of of the pyramid, stay at the top. An example of this would be how systems work in prisons or in armies, which operate by means of mental and physical violence.
2. Ideological State Apparatus is the idea that institutions maintain order in a society by manipulating the way people think through education, religion, media and family.
An example of this in terms of the family, is the the values and norms that are taught from an early age such as behave yourself, respect your elders, work hard, etc.
3. The difference between Repressive State of Apparatus and Ideological State Apparatus is that Repressive State Apparatus maintains order by enforcing rules and fear through government, police, military, and prisons while
Ideological State Apparatus takes a softer approach in maintaining order with the general public by controlling what we see, learn, and believe through systems like school, church, media and family.
4. An example of ideology is the way the media portrays the news inflicting fear to the general public. What is displayed on the news is monitored in a way to maintain order and control within the mass population.
1.What is a Repressive State Apparatus? Why does Althusser call it “repressive”? Can we explain his choice of words here? Give an example.
Althusser defines ideology as the imaginary correlation of people to their circumstances of existence. A country’s governance is controlled by representatives from the most dominant ideology among the people, and thus its state apparatus is set up to institute its demands, as well as punish those who reject the dominant ideology. Repressive state apparatus consists of the police, the army, judiciary, and the prison system, and it is designed to advance the interests of the ruling class over the other lower classes. Althusser considers the state apparatus as repressive, given their use of coercive means to advance their agenda. The ideological state apparatus comprises institutions that advance ruling class ideology, thus preparing learners to be exploited by the ruling classes.
Let’s do the same for the Ideological State Apparatuses. What are they, how do they seem to work?
Ideological state apparatus includes institutions such as the school, church, the family, media, and clubs, and they are used to inculcate a way of interpreting our environment. Rather than use force, the ideological state apparatus spreads ideologies that align with the objectives of the ruling class. For a social class to assume control of the state, they must first impose their ideologies upon the other classes through ideological state apparatus.
3. Important: this question will appear on our exam: How are the Repressive and Ideological State Apparatuses different from each other? What is the difference between the two?
Repressive and ideological state apparatus are different from each other in several ways, including their means of exerting control and structure. The repressive state apparatus operates as a unified institution as opposed to the ideological state apparatus, which comprises diverse institutions and functions. State apparatus can’t be defined as purely ideological or repressive, where the repressive and ideological apparatus execute the twin functions of violence and ideological dissemination. The difference between the ideological state apparatus and the repressive state apparatus is identified by the primary function each plays in society. The repressive apparatus is primarily for violence and a secondary function of spreading ideology. On the contrary, the ideological state apparatus concerns itself with disseminating ideology and the secondary function of political violence and repression, hidden in symbolism. The repressive state apparatus is applied when persons or groups threaten the established social system, as defined by the ruling class. Stabilizing factors such as the police, the judicial system, and the prison system are applied commensurate with the threat to social stability.
4.Post an example of ideology. This could be a piece of writing, an image, video, pdf document, visual art, or music, a clip from a movie. Next to your example, specify if this is an example of repressive or ideological apparatuses at work. I’ll start by giving an example.
An example of ideology is when protestors against President Trump, some with banners denouncing him, while others accuse him of racist tendencies. This example is an ideological state apparatus, using mass action to bring to attention issues with the dominant ideology.