Welcome to POL 100! In this first discussion board of our course, let’s introduce ourselves to each other, by doing the following:

  1. Create your introduction by entering text in the comments box below. When you finish writing your introduction, click the “REPLY” button. In your introduction, tell us your name, what is your major (if you have chosen one), as well as a bit about yourself. Things you might consider sharing include: what are you interested in studying at BMCC, what are your plans after BMCC, interests that you have, etc.
  2. After entering your own post, respond to at least two classmates by elaborating on something that they wrote that resonated and connected with you.

100 thoughts on “Discussion Board 1: Class Introductions

  1. Hi everyone!

    I’ll get us started with our intro posts. My name is Arto Artinian, and I’m a professor in the social sciences department, here at BMCC! First, I love my job, and have been teaching since 1997, when I was a graduate student in music, at the University of Illinois. That’s right, I’m a musician, though my music is in the experimental domain, thus the bands I’m in don’t have many fans, usually ? But that’s all good, because the point for me is to do the music, which I love, rather than get rich and famous ? plus, I’ve already got a paying job from BMCC, so no pressure!

    In terms of my other interests, I’m obviously interested in studying and understanding politics, and am currently working on my first book, which studies politics as a war.

      1. Hello Professor,
        It is a pleasure to virtually meet you. It is amazing of how many years you have been working of what you dearly love. That is great! I learned that you can do anything you desire as long as you put dedication and passion to it. Music is everything for me and its cool that you have two careers at once. I hope I can learn a lot about politics. It is not my best subject but I am still excited.

        1. Hi Bianka,

          Yes, I can’t believe it’s been 20 years so far, but indeed it’s been fun (in an intense way). I’m sure we’ll discuss interesting topics connected to American politics, especially given the times we live in!

    1. Hi Professor, first and foremost I find it amazing that you’ve been teaching since 1997 (the year i was born lol.) I can tell you really enjoy your job, it takes a lot of passion and dedication to be doing the same thing for years. I love that you enjoy music because music & dance calms me down a lot, music expresses how we feel, we can connect to lyrics and artist. I hope you give us more information on your book because I am very interested to learn more about politics and government!

      1. Thanks, Jasmine! Well, when I turned 45 this May, I was like: “Man, I’m getting old, almost middle age”, but then my friends cheered me on: they were like “Listen, don’t you know, that 45 is the new 35…”, 🙂 they’re right, sort of… but yes, I do truly enjoy my job, because I always interact with people and their ideas, and that always remains fascinating, different and interesting.

        Music is amazing, and it always reaches people in very profound ways. I hope to be able to finish my book next year – will keep the class posted on its progress!

    2. Hello Professor , I just want to say that you sound like you really enjoy your job. I am excited for this class because I love government related topics so I will truly enjoy this class. I look forward to having a great semester.

      1. Thanks Gisselle! I look forward to our class discussion as well, especially in the turbulent and intense political times we live in – and November is coming up, so lots to talk about!

    3. Hello, Professor Arto great introduction! 🙂 I applaud you for sharing your knowledge with your students and I can guess you love teaching since you took up the profession twenty-three (23) years ago. I am looking forward to being in your class. Thank you for the mini videos it helped a lot. 🙂

      1. Thanks, Renata! Welcome to the class, yeah, it’s been over 20 years now, and it certainly felt like it was much less. I am going to have more videos made as we move through the semester. I’m also thinking of having short optional Zoom meetings once in a while, at the end of Modules, kind of like a question-and-answer session for the class. These would be optional as far as attendance goes, and will be recorded and uploaded on our website to watch at anytime. Will post more details on these, on our website and via email later on.

    4. hello my name is Anibal i prefer to go by Greg, my major is Science for forensics on a pre-med path. I’m hoping to graduate from Bmcc and transfer to John Jay to study forensics as well then go to medical school and get a specialty in forensic medicine.

    5. Hello Professor,

      I am Alyssa, I am 30 years old and a mother to a very sassy 4 year old named Leah. I am currently studying Early Childhood Education and will continue on to get my certification. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a teacher. Although I have been in a classroom for the past 2 years, I thought it was finally time to finish my degree. I am planning to finish my associates and move on to a four year college, I plan to go to Brooklyn College.

  2. Hi everyone my name is Sarah This is my last semester in bmcc as i am studying early childhood education i love kids ! i want to help and work with them as i learn more about the little ones. I went to high school in brooklyn for dancing and dance was something that will have a place in my heart even though i no longer dance but thats okay! For this class i am excited to learn new things because for sure i know government isnt my strongest subject but i hope to learn and understand new things .

    1. Hi Sarah!

      Welcome to the class, and thanks for being the first person to post! It’s great that you studied (and have a strong appreciation) of the performing arts, I also went to a performing arts high school – I was a music major at LaGuardia High School. And, congrats on being almost finished with your studies at BMCC – you’ve chosen a great major in deciding to be a future teacher (I know I’m biased, but I totally believe that teaching is one of most rewarding professions, it is hard word, but I’m sure you’ll have fun!).

    2. Hi Sarah, I think its amazing you’re studying childhood education because me personally? I do not have the patience with kids lol so I applaud anyone who want to achieve this in their future because I know it takes a lot to want to be in that career field. I loveee that you dance because I LOVE dancing as well, hip hop and reggae especially. My friends & I come together every month and rent out a dance studio AVE L in Canarsie just to remind myself that “although dancing is not my passion anymore but it is something that keep me balanced and it remind me of who I am” and hopefully we can connect one day.

  3. Hello everyone, my name is Jasmine SaintLouis, I am a criminal justice major hoping to become a Criminologists or a Criminal Lawyer, Criminal justice has been a passion of mine since a young girl. I went to a hands on trade school in high school for criminal justice along with studying my core classes and that is when I truly knew criminal justice was my passion. I always use to watch shows like law&order, criminal minds, and forensic files.I will be graduating BMCC spring 2021, and I will be furthering my education at John Jay college. I am the oldest out of 5 siblings, I am also a full time store manager at Milk Bar, I also have my own business “Jazzy Lips Co.” I am excited to be taking this class because i dont know much about government and with wanting to become in the criminal justice field there are some things I will need to know.

    1. hey jasmine I see you’re interested in kinda the same thing as me. Just like you I would watch criminal minds , law and order and that’s kinda one of the reasons I want to study criminal justice since young as well.I really am inspired with how much your doing on top of school. I myself do hair aside for school.

    2. Hey Jasmine,

      I really related to you when you mentioned that you’re excited to be taking this class since you know you still have more to learn with what you want to do in the future. I can’t imagine being the oldest of 5 kids lol i’m the second youngest of 4 and I know how much we all rely on my oldest sibling. Also, I love going to Milk Bar 🙂

      1. Heyyy, I love being an older sister lol I love having little people who looks up to me. (but i cant have kids of my own lmao at least not yet). which milk bar location do you visit? I am at the East Village location 🙂

    3. Hi Jasmine, ever since I was little my mom always told me I should be a lawyer because I would always argue and negotiate my way out of a punishment. My dad and I always watched investigation/ criminal series and I loved watching Law&Order as well. I loved finding solutions and how mentally stimulating it was to solve cases. It was something I liked doing but never really thought of pursuing in my future. I think for me just learning the laws was very overwhelming it was out of my interest. Good luck to you!

    4. Hi Jasmine, great introduction. I seee we have a few things in common. 🙂 I am also majoring in criminal justice and I am the eldest of my eight (8) siblings. This is my second semester at BMCC and sadly all the classes are being administered online. Looking at the glass as half full, online classes gives me an advantage as opposed to on campus. I do miss the face to face interaction thought.

      I see you mentioned you will be graduating in the spring of 2021 congratulations in advance. What were some of your courses like (prerequisite for your major) did you find it challenging or unchallenging?

      1. Heyy Renata, oldest of 8? I am super excited someone finally knows what is it like to be the OLDEST out of them all lol. I feel you on the sadly classes are online, it was a very rough start for me especially with a lot I have going on but i managed to make it work.
        Honestly classes wise, nothing was really challenging because Criminal justice is what I am interested in. what was challenging to me is things being done online and making time to do all your work. I feel as if you’re interested in something you put your all into it and that is probably why being a criminal justice major is not so challeneging. TBH, it was math and english i struggled with cause i suck at math and english is boring lol. besides the main classes, english, math, pol, eco and spanish. Ive taken, SOC, corrections, intro to criminal justice. this semester i am taking forensic linguistics, policing, spanish2, eco and pol. and spring 2021 i have to take law, criminology, crime&justice in urban community and i am finished!

        1. Hi Jasmine !
          I was just going through the thread as you were replying to someone’s comment and you mentioned being a FBI profiler, and suddenly my eyes caught the word profiler since I’ve been watching some shows specifically on FBI profilers and the BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit). If you’re interested, don’t forget to take a look at criminal minds and Hannibal; both are available on netflix. I personally like Hannibal better beacuse the story is so twisted and tangled and it’s a must watch 🙂

    5. In response to Jasmine,

      In my opinion, I believe it is very admirable that you choose Criminology as your main go-to profession, for understanding the psyche of criminals and bringing them to justice is in my eyes, a noble and necessary profession.

  4. Hello everyone,

    My name is Bianka and as I read Sarah’s post, my major is also Early Childhood Education. I’ve been working with children since 2014 and I am going for my Associates degree. Before that, I did two years of Medical Assisting and sadly I did not like medicine at all, so I decided to change my career. Children are my passion and I would like to become a head teacher someday. I moved to CT last year on my own; best experience of my life, but ended moving back to New York. I’m okay with living my family but would love to go back in the future.

    One of my favorite things to do is to spend most of my time with my family and friends. I love to dance and mostly eat. Staring this semester, learning government is something new for me but I know I will do my best. 🙂

    1. hi bianka , I love your passion for early childhood. I myself wouldn’t be able to deal with kids but I think its inspiring following your dream and doing something your so interested in. I myself love to dance and eat so I guess we have something in common. I hope this semester is wonderful for you.

    2. Hi, Bianka!

      I find it so cool that you want to pursue a career dealing with kids! I work as an after school teacher for 1st graders and I absolutely love my kids as if they were my own, I really applaud anyone that goes into that career path, it takes a lot of patience and strategic thinking to be able to work with young kids, it definitely takes a big heart!

    3. Hey Bianka, I also changed my major from medical to Education. One look at a bloody open wound and I’d be the fainting nurse. It’s a great career to pursue just not for me. I love kids and they’re much more fun to work with so being a teacher is my goal. Maybe we can help each other on this journey, who knows even work together someday. Best of luck to you!

    4. Hi Bianka, I applaud you for choosing a major that entails working with kids. I also love kids and I have an abundance of patient with them. I guess this came into play because I am the eldest of 8 siblings not including myself. At an early age, I was given the responsibility of fending for them with help of my parents of course. Good luck on your endeavor and looking forward to having discussions with you and my fellow classmates in the near future. 🙂

      1. Hi Renata,
        Thank you! I love that we have some similarities. YES! All we need is patience and I believe I have it all. HA HA! I admire how you helped your parents with your siblings being the oldest, it shows how much you care for your family. That’s very beautiful. Thank you so much and I hope we can all connect in the future.

        1. Very cool that we have a number of people in the class who are going to be teachers! You know, teaching is one of the professions where we are experiencing a drastic shortage in the city, and it is very exciting that a number of young people such as yourselves are thinking of becoming teachers (it’ll help reduce the shortage, and hey, we’ve got the best paid vacation time – well earned of course – among all the other jobs 🙂

    5. In response to Bianka,

      I believe that despite you changing your career from the medical field, teaching and raising children is just as, or even more a nobler profession. Raising and teaching children to become healthy, splendid adults should be one of the main priorities of any given society on Earth. I bid you good luck on your future endeavors.

    6. Hey Bianka! Im an Early Childhood Education major and love dancing as well! Is there any specific type of dancing you like? I look forward to working with you this semester !

  5. Hello,

    My name is Morayma chacon, and I’m at freshmen at Here at BMCC studying criminal justice.I hope that in my future I’m able to graduate form BMCC and move on to John Jay . I have been interested in becoming a police officer, too later on become a detective or FBI agent since I was in middle school. I know it seems like I’m aiming high with trying to become FBI but if that’s my dream then I will follow it. In high school I was a sports kinda girl, from volleyball, flag football to track. I took a break when I graduated high school , I felt like I needed a break before putting my all into my career but now I’m ready to learn new things and get this show on the road. Some other interest I have is Art , although I’m very shy about it I love drawing , I like learning to draw new things , and expand my knowledge about it.

    1. Heyyy Morayma, I love that you want to be an FBI agent !! I also thought about that but then I will think about wanting to start a family lol and the headquarters are in virginia and I dont really want to move to VA lol. I am also interested im being a profiler for the FBI but we will see which route i take.

    2. Hey Morayma,
      I congratulate you on pursuing your dreams, keep chasing them. Although I find criminal justice not a career I will follow, it is so interesting and I respect your future plans for it. I also love art which links to my career, I find it fun and therapeutic. Best of luck!

    3. Hey Morayma I love that you wanted to become a detective or FBI agent since you were in middle school that must really be a passion of yours which I congratulate you for pursuing your dreams. I wish you the best of luck.

    4. Hi Morayma, welcome to the class! The move to John Jay seems like the best progression for a criminal justice major who wants to enter law enforcement in some way. I believe BMCC has an agreement with John Jay, where our graduates from the CRJ program can easily continue their studies for a bachelor degree at JJay – and they’re the best school for this major (probably in the country).

    5. It’s great you have your goals straight and have it all planned out . I liked doing Hurdles and Long Jump in track. Its cool you’ve done those sports. I wanted to try volleyball but I didn’t had the time to commit to it . You have a very unique and beautiful name .

  6. Hello everyone,

    My name is Anicia, I’m also a criminal justice major. I’ve always had a strong passion for learning about the justice system as well as history, my dream career is to be a Judge and to own my own law firm. I’m from Bushwick, Brooklyn and have always been involved with sports and anything related to being active. I hope to expand my knowledge about the justice system and learn more about the American government and learn to question things I previously thought were taught to me. My plans after BMCC are to transfer into a 4 year college and soon start law school after getting my Bachelors degree! I love to explore new places, music and all forms of art although I personally was always more drawn to graffiti styles.

    1. Heyyy Anicia, I think it is interesting you want to become a judge. You do not hear most people heading towards being a judge. If I decide to pursue a career as a criminal lawyer, maybe we will work together some time 🙂 lol. What kind of law do you want to practice?

    2. Hi Anicia, we’re definitely gonna question some of the fundamental ideas and assumptions in American politics! You’ve got a great plan, towards law school after college! What kind of law do think you wanna practice?

      And, it’s great that graffiti is your favorite art form, and it makes sense, since NYC is one of the birthplaces of graffiti, right!

  7. Hello everyone my name is Stefany. I’m majoring in Early Childhood Education. I have a passion and lots of patience working with kids. I was a previous Nursing major and realized it wasn’t my thing and after a 7 year break from school, I’m back to finally pursue my career in education. Since I was young I enjoyed being involved in my community and was a youth leader at my local church. It gave me the opportunity to work with teens and children of all age groups. I enjoyed being able to obtain their confidence and uplift their spirits and make a difference. I moved to Florida with my family and had a tough time adjusting to a slower pace lifestyle. Unfortunately I couldn’t focus on schooling and worked long retail hours instead. Eventually I got a job at a domestic violence center as an advocate. I really enjoyed helping these women overcome their situation and worked closely with the children as well. Working with these survivors really made me have a different outlook in life and helped push me into getting back on track with my career. I recently moved back to New York and although the pandemic pushed back some of my plans, I’m moving forward and not giving up on my dreams. I super excited to be back in school and in this class. I’m not a big politic fan however I’m taking this as an opportunity to learn something new.

    1. Hey Stephany,
      I see that we went through the same path. Sometimes it takes time to decide what career we really want, but we always have to make sure its a career we adore and appreciate. I’m glad you deiced to go with Early childhood Education, overall I can tell that you have a kind and warm heart to help others. We share that in common. I’m also impress of how you never give up no matter the situation, keep on chasing your dreams. Hoping your goals and dreams will come true. Good luck!

    2. Welcome to the class, Stefany! Congrats on your decision to enter the teaching profession – we definitely need more teachers in NYC, and you’ll be bringing such varied and interesting personal experiences and skills into your classroom! Yeah, COVID messed up a lot of our calculations for the fall semester, but in some ways, it has given people more time to concentrate on their studies – so there seems to be a bright side to working/studying from home as well. Still, I can’t wait for a vaccine to be out there!

  8. Hello My name is Gisselle Sanchez I am a Human services major what motivates me about this major is to help domestic violence victims , human trafficking victims I would also love to help children who have faced abuse. Another thing that motivates me to go after this career is to be able to see these victims live a happy life. Some of my interest are makeup and photography I own a couple cameras and sometimes I like to go around NewYork city and take pictures.

  9. Hello Professor and Classmates,

    My name is Renata Amsterdam and my nationality is Guyanese. I am a very tenacious individual, loves traveling, cooking, and playing chess. While some people find chess to be tedious I am always eager to learn different strategies to conquer my opponents.

    My major is Criminal Justice and after I attain my associate degree at BMCC my objective is to attend John Jay College. I haven’t finalize my decision on what field of law I am interested in but its either immigration or criminal law. At a very young age, I was always intrigued by the role of lawyers and judges. While growing up my siblings and I would imitate the Law & Order and Judge Judy shows, of course I played the part of the lawyer. I am anxious to begin the fall semester and hope that the transition will be smooth. I am also looking forward to making new friends along the way.

    1. Hi Renata!
      I can’t wait to meet you too so we can discuss about attending John Jay. We do have a lot in common. I love cooking and traveling. I’ve love to learn how to play chess though. I think it’s not a bad thing that you’re not sure which field you wanna work in but hopefully your major helps you figure it out. I’m also very nervous to start this semester but we got this!

      1. Hi Sumaia, I like your name its unique. Perhaps after the “pandemic” subsides I can teach you how to play chess. It’s a pretty great game and the strategies can be applied to life in general. 😉 You will do GREAT!

  10. Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

    My name is Yosef Kagan and I am a student/major of history. My main interests in regards to history are broad but I am mainly interested political theory and analysis of different forms of government that have existed alongside an assortment of historical figures. I am aiming to acquire a PhD in history so that I may become a professor in the future. Exchanging ideas and debating about them is my main passion as it helps me understand the world better. One of my main specific interests and goals for history is dissecting, defining, and explaining Classical Fascism and the assortment of political parties who have subscribed to it in order to teach new generations in an accurate and non-biased way, this includes reading of Fascist literature in order to better understand it.

    1. Hi Yosef,

      I applaud your choice at pursuing a PhD in History – it is vital to know the past, in order to not repeat it (or at least, to repeat only the parts we consider positive and justifiable). And, your topic of interest, fascism, is unfortunately also a very current challege: across the world fascist ideas and practices are on the rise, and we need to stop it, before it causes another global catastrophe and genocide!

    2. Hi Yosef!
      I find it very appealing how your interests are of history. Personally, I’ve always loved to learn something new. There’s something about it that can excite an individual. But also, I truly wish you the best in your future in wanting to pursue a PhD, its great that you’ll like to educate others on everything you’ve learned and are going to learn. And not only that, but the idea of one day being able to call yourself, “Dr. Yosef Kagan” How cool right?!

    3. Hi !
      Very impressed to learn about your dedication and passion to history. I’m just curious about one thing: when you study history, how far back do you go? Is there a limit or everyone chooses a specific time and region to study on?

  11. Hello everyone,
    My name is Sumaia Meah but everyone calls me “Maya”. I’m currently majoring in Criminal Justice. I’m an FBI explorer is Downtown Manhattan. I was previously a sergeant with the NYPD Explorer. I plan on using my law enforcement and criminal justice knowledge to be a homicide detective. I want to get my GPA up and transfer to John Jay with the joint program. I’m so excited to virtually meet all of you!

    1. Hi Maya and welcome to the class!

      Investigating homicides is a very worthwhile career, I hear that every year there are a number of homicides that remain unsolved, so there’s always the need for smart and creative investigators to solves those most serious of crimes.

      1. Hi Renata!
        I had to email them saying I’m interested in joining and to keep me updated about when there are spots open. They soon had an open house along with interviewing. After they interview everyone, the team votes on if you’re in or not based off the answers you give. Let me know if you have any questions or wanna join!

  12. Hello everyone, my name is Cinthya . I’m studying in Criminal Justice . I’m hoping to transfer to John Jay when I finish BMCC . I want to pursue the career of being a homicide detective. I recently graduated high school and this is all new to me . I like dancing Bachata , cumbia and folklorico. I was captain of my high school’s Mexican Dance club . I’ve done track, soccer and wrestling in my past. I like working out to relieve stress. I’m excited to get to know all of you .

    1. Hi Cinthya and welcome!

      Do you have to be a regular cop before you can become a detective, or is there a way to become a detective right away after college – I’ve wondered about that, probably you can do it, if you go federal law enforcement?

    2. Hi Cinthya, I also love bachata especially the older ones. The major you chose is really interesting because I watch shows about homicide detectives and they are really entertaining, I wish you luck with that.

    3. Hello Cinthya, We are in the same boat lol. I find it really cool that we have the same major & plans to transfer to John Jay when we finish BMCC. This is all new to me as well, this is my first. Hopefully we can get to know each other and help each other out to accomplish our goals.

    4. Hello Cinthya!
      in my personal opinion, i believe it is bold to want to become a homicide detective, but also brave to want to withstand the horrors that can occur by mankind. so i admire the bold choice you’ve chosen to make, given your recent graduation from high school. Therefore, i hope your aspirations become true in every single way.

  13. Hello everyone , My name is Akeem Sennon and I am a second year computer science major at BMCC . I use to go to Medgar Evers college where I also studied computer science. I’ve lived in Brooklyn NY my entire life and, I am a huge animal lover. I own a parrot that i’ve had since I was 6 and I recently took in a baby bearded dragon, she’s growing really well . I also enjoy playing video games with my free time as well as drawing . I am a big tech geek and unfortunately thats where a lot of my money goes. For now my interest at BMCC remains with computer science but in the future I look forward to studying marine biology after I graduate .

    1. Hi Akeem, welcome to the class!

      You know, I grew up with a parrot that talked. My grandparents had one, and it lived for many years, I knew it from the time I was 7 till I was a teenager, but it was in the family before I was born. They’re amazing animals, incredibly smart!

      Computer science and marine biology sounds like an awesome combination to major in in college.

    2. Hello Akeem, Its really cool that you are majoring in computer science not many people I know do and it’s nice to hear something different. I also love animals but I get easily afraid when I’m around them.

  14. Hello class, my name is Kyara Dominguez and my major is Childhood Education. To start off I chose this major because I like kids and want to become a principal one day. I enrolled at BMCC to start off my education process and once I’m done I want to enroll in a 4 year university to earn a Masters degree.

    1. It’s a great choice for a major, Kyara – I’m biased of course 🙂 but seriously, I think BMCC, and CUNY in general, offers a good path to becoming a teacher. This is especially true if you want to start your teaching career as a NYC public school teachers – many of the education professors are former teachers and principals, and that should help with getting a job at the DOE after college…

  15. Hello Everyone, My name is Aniyah but would rather be called Niyah . I grew up in Harlem NY but I’m moving to Florida in a few weeks. My major is Criminal Justice. I would like to be a Crime Investigator or Private Investigator. This is my first year at BMCC I am excited to get started. My plans were to finish my 2 years at BMCC & then go to John Jay College to finish my education. Since i’m moving I have to find new colleges to finish getting my degrees I like shopping, listening to music and having fun with my friends & family.

    1. Hi Aniyah,

      Welcome to the class! Must be a very exciting time to move down to Florida. They’ve got good schools there as well, both public and private – and you can’t beat the weather, compared to NYC!!

  16. Hello! My name is Eunice, I am 22 years old, and I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My major is early childhood education because I love children but I also love psychology so I’m still debating on my major. I love dancing hiphop, creating videos, and playing with makeup. I love animals and I have 3 turtles of my own. I enjoy traveling and trying new experiences. I look forward to working with everyone and meeting you guys!

    1. Hi Eunice! It’s wonderful to hear that you’re thinking of teaching in the future – I recommend it!! But, with your interest in psychology, why not consider a double-major? That way, you won’t have to make a hard choice between the two subjects? Just a thought..and welcome to the class.

  17. Good afternoon to my fellow classmates and professor, it is pleasure to introduce myself to you all as we enter the new semester with high hopes of achievement. To begin, my name is Jessica Hernandez and I am currently enrolled in BMCC with a Human Services major. my ultimate goal is to eventually become a social worker that inspires to improve the well-being of anyone that may come my way, in any way that I can. I have come to believe that no matter how small or large the intention of helping may be, the satisfaction of it derives from brightening someones day. The specific field that I would like to direct my career to would either be to work in Hospice or child welfare. My motivation emanates by how my childhood has shaped me to be; with the many life lessons that are likely to be thrown, I would like to think it would lead you to the path of where you are destined to be, or do. Within this, it is also viewed of how hard our parents may work for us! In reality, it can be a cycle to form a better tomorrow. Afterwards, for the next step the decision is yours only.

  18. Hi ! sorry I’m a bit late.
    My name is Nabeel. I am psychology majors here at Bmcc. I studied hard sciences to quite an extent in high school and now I’m trying a different path and to be honest, I’m loving it. My last semester I had taken critical thinking and sociology and boy did I enjoy those classes. To be very honest, I am a face to face interaction kind of person so these online classes are actually a nightmare for me. This is such an amazing knowledge filled class but I don’t think I’ll truly be able to utilize it’s full potential. Nonetheless, it is what it is. Apart from that, I have a sweet tooth so if anybody know some good spots lemme know 😉

    1. Hi Nabeel, welcome to the class! Yes, online classes do present their own challenges, but we’ll do our best to keep it challenging and engaging! As for sweets, check out the Milk Bar – it’s amazing.

    2. Hi Nabeel, I agree with you with these online classes being a nightmare. It is so much more difficult to get everything together not being able to meet face to face.

  19. hey everyone, This is Nahid Mahmud.My major is computer science.I love coding as well as math.I am also interested about american government that’s why i choose this class.I am originally from Bangladesh so government of Bangladesh is litlle different.we were colonized by British so i am exited to learn about american government.

    1. Welcome to the class, Nahid! The British colonized America too, as you know, but then some of those colonists rebelled against the home country – in a nutshell, that’s the origin of American government – but we’ll try to engage with nuances and details of this process 🙂

  20. Hii everyone sorry I’m late with my introductory my name is Brittany. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, I am 19 years old . My major is Liberal Arts but I want to transfer back to John Jay next semester and pursue my major in Law & Society. My freshman year there wasn’t the best and I was still figuring things out but now I know what career is best for me and I know I have to step up. I want to become a lawyer when I’m older, either a medical lawyer for hospitals or criminal defense. At first I thought about being a registered nurse but I realized there are some things I can’t handle and law was my second choice. I wanna fight for the innocent and for what’s right. I didn’t grow up around a lot of good people but I want to change my life and work for a law degree as I get older so in the future I don’t have to regret not doing anything to achieve it.

  21. Hi sorry I’m late I just got everything figured out, but my name is Krisnelly. This is my second semester. I was born & raised in the Bronx. I’m majoring in psychology. I hope to become a children’s/ forensics psychologist. After BMCC I’ll go into a 4 year college. An interest of mine is dancing. I’ve done a lot of different styles of dance growing up. I hope this class is fun and beneficial for my future.

  22. Hello, my name is Kirssy Tavarez and I will introduce myself to you. My major is Criminal Justice. I look forward to going to John Jay College after graduating from BMCC. My personal goal is to become a better person every day. I also wish as a personal goal not to get carried away by shyness, since shyness takes me away from the things I want, from my dreams or friends and I also have the desire to graduate from college. The professional goals that I have set for myself are to become a migration lawyer because it is a way of helping people from third world countries to obtain a better social status. There is nothing that makes me happier than helping people in any way, regardless of whether it is with a small or large act.

  23. Hello, my name is Kirssy Tavarez and I will introduce myself to you. My major is Criminal Justice. I look forward to going to John Jay College after graduating from BMCC. My personal goal is to become a better person every day. I also wish as a personal goal not to get carried away by shyness, since shyness takes me away from the things I want, from my dreams or friends, and I also have the desire to graduate from college. The professional goals that I have set for myself are to become a migration lawyer because it is a way of helping people from third world countries to obtain a better social status. There is nothing that makes me happier than helping people in any way, regardless of whether it is with a small or large act.

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