This course hub website contains OER/ZTC (Open Educational Resources/Zero Textbook Cost) resources for faculty teaching Multimedia Project Lab (MMP 460)at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC). These resources are freely available for use by BMCC faculty and beyond.
This work was created by Anna Pinkas and Revital Kaisar, as part of the BMCC Open Education Initiative, which is co-led by the A. Philip Randolph Library and the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship (CETLS). The BMCC Open Education Initiative is supported by the CUNY Office of Library Services (OLS) and funded by the New York State Department of Education.
MMP 460 is the culminating class for the Multimedia Programming and DesignMajor. It makes use and expands upon the skills acquired throughout the curriculum. The course is built around a collaborative, interactive, multimedia project (for more details and suggestions on how to structure the project, please visit the Campaign Project page). Technical workshops on 4-5 topics should be offered during the first few weeks of the semester. Some options are suggested on the Workshops page, but individual faculty members are free to focus on any subject they deem useful for the course/collaborative project. Please visit the Syllabus page for more details on grading, student learning outcomes, and a suggested weekly breakdown.
This template is meant as a guide for faculty teaching the course, but shouldn’t be prescriptive. Each professor is free to adapt the course content as they please as long they address all the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) listed on the Syllabus page.
Students who took this course used Blackboard to submit their work and faculty should upload grades and comments there as well.
This site is administered by Prof. Anna Pinkas, Assistant Professor at the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s Media Arts & Technology Department. We welcome questions, comments, and requests for materials. Leave a reply below, or contact us directly at, or by visiting or