

The City University of New York

Department of Media Arts and Technology

Course Title: MMA 100 – Foundations of Digital Graphic Design

Semester: Fall 2021

Day/Time: Wednesdays – 5:30pm – 9:10pm – for synchronous live video class environment via Zoom

Classroom: Remote using Zoom & OpenLab website for asynchronous learning


Professor Ryan Seslow  – or

Office Hours: Wednesdays – 4:30pm – 5:30pm, via Zoom by appointment

3 Credit Hours (2 Hours Lecture, 2 Hours Lab) – Prerequisite: ACR 094, ENG 088, and ESL 062

**The Zoom link & password will be e-mailed to your bmcc e-mail address during the 1st week of classes. Please e-mail me if you need it sent or resent –

A copy of the syllabus is available for download here

Course Description:

This image-based course will introduce graphic design as the foundation upon which effective visual communication is built. Investigation of the elements and principles of graphic design will lead to specific design problems and their solution. The development of ideas and the ability to communicate them effectively will be covered. Discussion of both vector and bitmap-based digital graphic platforms will begin progress toward industry-standard computer proficiency.

Class Resources:

**Class Website:

We will be using a class website via the CUNY BMCC OpenLab platform to learn, support, discover, share, experiment, present and archive our course work. Our class website is a growing weekly resource and repository of course information and communication. Students will refer to the course website each week to obtain assignment details, view and re-cap technical demonstration videos, participate in discussions/critiques, share inspirational/historical resources and experiences on a regular basis.

*Recommended Text Book & Resources: (the text books are not mandatory)

Text book – Introduction to Graphic Design: A Guide to Thinking, Process and Style – Author: Aaris Sherin, Publisher: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, ISBN: 978-1472589293

Text Book – Graphic Design: The New Basics PaperbackAuthor: Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole PhillipsPublisher: Princeton Architectural Press, 1st Edition, ISBN# 1568987021; 978-1568987026

* Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign Visual Quickstart Guides (Peachpit Press)

* & Adobe Tutorials (

Use of Technology: Software used: Adobe Creative Suite with Photoshop & Illustrator (as well as other free and experimental applications found on the web and mobile)

Students will need a portable media system for storing and backing up their work (dropbox (offered via CUNY), google drive, one-drive are online / cloud options as well as a flash drive or external drive works well) Students are responsible for their files and maintaining them. The professor will offer several suggestions and resources to help keep your data safe.

Evaluations and Requirements:

Individual Class Projects and homework assignments: ——– 65%

Final Project: —————————————   20%

Class performance and attendance:  ———————-  10%

Final Portfolio: ————————————–   5%

All of class content and assignments will be posted to our class website on the OpenLab. There will be some in-class exercises as well as homework to be done outside of class. Assignments and homework can always be revised and re-submitted for a better grade.

Grading Scale: (this class uses the CUNY grading scale)

• The grade of A is awarded for excellence. An A student turns in all work consistently with very high standards of quality, creativity, and original thinking. This student also performs exceptionally in presentations and critiques.

• The grade of B is awarded to students who have turned in all work consistently with high quality standards. The work shows creative thinking, extra effort, and care in presentation. B students have demonstrated knowledge that surpasses the basic material and skills of the course.

• The grade of C is earned when all class work is turned in and the student has mastered the basic material and skills of the course.

This student participated in class and demonstrated knowledge of the basic material and skills.

• The grade of D or F is given for work that is incomplete, late, and/or does not demonstrate mastery of the basic material and skills of the course.

Course Student Learning Outcomes (Students will be able to…)Measurements (means of assessment for student learning outcomes listed in first column
1. Demonstrate software proficiency in industry standard bitmap and vector graphics.  1. Class projects & homework assignments
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and elements of design and color theory.  2. Class projects and critiques
3. Create an effective page layout that incorporates principles of graphic design.  3. Final project
4. Demonstrate an ability to use text as a visual vehicle of communication design.  4. Class projects & homework assignments
5. Solve relevant issues of logo design and identity branding.  5. Identity branding assignments

Below are the college’s general education learning outcomes, the outcomes that checked in the left-hand column indicate goals that will be covered and assessed in this course.  

General Education Learning Outcomes Measurements (means of assessment for student learning outcomes listed in first column

Communication Skills- Students will be able to write, read, listen and speak critically and effectively  

Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to use quantitative skill and the concepts and methods of mathematic to solve problems.  

Scientific Reasoning- Students will be able to apply the concepts and methods of the natural sciences  

Social and Behavioral Science- Students will be apply the concepts and methods of the social sciences  

Arts & Humanities- Students will be able to develop knowledge and understanding of the arts and literature through critiques of works of art, music, theatre and literature. Brief essay or design project completed on the first and last day of class to show progress on material covered during the semester.

Information & Technology Literacy- Students will be able to collect, evaluate and interpret information and effectively use information technologies.  

Values- Students will be able to make informed choices based on an understating of personal values, human diversity, multicultural awareness and social responsibility.    

(Schedule is subject to change as needed – this includes individual needs to help accommodate students)

Weeks 1 – 6 – What is Graphic Design? Class introductions and our learning potentials together. Design Solutions: Strategy, Concept, Design, Execution & Production What does a graphic designer do? How is design different from art? Areas of specification in graphic design Exploring the Design Process: Thumbnails, Roughs & Comps

Assignment #1 – Elements & Principles (3 parts) Layout and Poster Software: Photoshop overview – the interface and tools + what it is used for in the industry Managing Photoshop files across other software platforms

Elements of Design: Brainstorming, process, variations & avoiding cliche’ Line, Shape, Value, Color, Texture & Visual Flow. Portfolio Basics, examples & considerations

Principles of Design: Positive and Negative Space, Composition / Figure ground Balance, Emphasis, Rhythm, Unity – Working with Raster software – Photoshop / scanning Framing: cropping, bleeds, borders and margins  

Assignment #2 – Post Card Design – Layout, Composition & Assets Layouts and Visual Relationships – Using a Grid Format / Other Layout Formats – Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity. Color Theory – The color wheel, making color choices – Primary color systems: RGB (additive) and CMYK (subtractive)

Assignment 2B: Illustrator, Shapes, Forms, Composition & Color      


Weeks #7 –13:

Designing Posters – Vector Portraits, Type & Typography, Branding, Logos & Portfolios Integrating Concept with Visual Elements – Poster Design & Poster Design History

Assignment #3 – Vector art, Vector portraits & posters Layout and Arrangement Emphasis Scale and placement Software: Illustrator overview – the interface and tools + what it is used for in the industry – Mastering the Pen tool and its transcendent abilities with other software applications. Managing Photoshop files in Illustrator Basics of the type tool in Illustrator

Color & Type Continued – Additive, Subtractive (RGB, CMYK) – Mood & Perception  

Assignment #4 – Typography & Designing with Type Terminals and decoration Typographic hierarchy Spacing and alignment Kerning and leading Choosing type Type and color / scale & weight

Assignment #5 – Logos, Icons, Branding & Letterforms Communication through products & services, promotional items, self promotion, branding, branding culture & the Internet. Choosing a final project subject – pulling it all together / portfolio experimentation and tutorials.

Week 14 – Final Project work sessions
Week 15 – Final Presentations / Full Class Critique    


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Below are the college’s general education learning outcomes, the outcomes that checked in the left-hand column indicate goals that will be covered and assessed in this course.

General Education Learning Outcomes
Measurements (means of assessment for student learning outcomes listed in first column

Communication Skills- Students will be able to write, read, listen and speak critically and effectively

Quantitative Reasoning: Students will be able to use quantitative skill and the concepts and methods of mathematic to solve problems.

Scientific Reasoning- Students will be able to apply the concepts and methods of the natural sciences

Social and Behavioral Science- Students will be apply the concepts and methods of the social sciences

Arts & Humanities- Students will be able to develop knowledge and understanding of the arts and literature through critiques of works of art, music, theatre and literature.
Brief essay or design project completed on the first and last day of class to show progress on material covered during the semester.

Information & Technology Literacy- Students will be able to collect, evaluate and interpret information and effectively use information technologies.

Values- Students will be able to make informed choices based on an understating of personal values, human diversity, multicultural awareness and social responsibility.
COURSE OUTLINE: (Schedule is subject to change as needed – this includes individual needs to help accommodate students)
Weeks 1 – 6 – What is Graphic Design?
Class introductions and our learning potentials together. Design Solutions: Strategy, Concept, Design, Execution & Production
What does a graphic designer do?
How is design different from art?
Areas of specification in graphic design
Exploring the Design Process: Thumbnails, Roughs & Comps
Assignment #1 – Elements & Principles (3 parts) Layout and Poster
Software: Photoshop overview – the interface and tools + what it is used for in the industry
Managing Photoshop files across other software platforms
Elements of Design: Brainstorming, process, variations & avoiding cliche’
Line, Shape, Value, Color, Texture & Visual Flow. Portfolio Basics, examples & considerations
Principles of Design: Positive and Negative Space, Composition / Figure ground
Balance, Emphasis, Rhythm, Unity – Working with Raster software – Photoshop / scanning
Framing: cropping, bleeds, borders and margins
Assignment #2 – Post Card Design – Layout, Composition & Assets
Layouts and Visual Relationships – Using a Grid Format / Other Layout Formats – Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity.
Color Theory – The color wheel, making color choices – Primary color systems: RGB (additive) and CMYK (subtractive)
Assignment 2B: Illustrator, Shapes, Forms, Composition & Color
Weeks #7 –13:
Designing Posters – Vector Portraits, Type & Typography, Branding, Logos & Portfolios
Integrating Concept with Visual Elements – Poster Design & Poster Design History
Assignment #3 – Vector art, Vector portraits & posters
Layout and Arrangement
Scale and placement
Software: Illustrator overview – the interface and tools + what it is used for in the industry – Mastering the Pen tool and its transcendent abilities with other software applications.
Managing Photoshop files in Illustrator
Basics of the type tool in Illustrator
Color & Type Continued – Additive, Subtractive (RGB, CMYK) – Mood & Perception
 Assignment #4 – Typography & Designing with Type
Terminals and decoration
Typographic hierarchy
Spacing and alignment
Kerning and leading
Choosing type
Type and color / scale & weight
Assignment #5 – Logos, Icons, Branding & Letterforms
Communication through products & services, promotional items, self promotion, branding, branding culture & the Internet.
Choosing a final project subject – pulling it all together / portfolio experimentation and tutorials.
Week 14 – Final Project work sessions
Week 15 – Final Presentations / Full Class Critique
Class Participation
Participation in the academic activity of each course is a significant component of the learning process and plays a major role in determining overall student academic achievement. Academic activities may include, but are not limited to, attending class, submitting assignments, engaging in in-class or online activities, taking exams, and/or participating in group work. Each instructor has the right to establish their own class participation policy, and it is each student’s responsibility to be familiar with and follow the participation policies for each course.
BMCC Mask Mandate Policy for In-Person Classes
CUNY has put in place a temporary mask mandate policy that requires the wearing of masks indoors in all campus buildings. See:
Face masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19. As it is possible to have or carry the coronavirus without having or showing symptoms, it is necessary for every person in our community to wear a mask even if you are fully vaccinated and/or have tested negative for COVID19, or think you are completely healthy. For appropriate/acceptable masks and guidelines on use, see CDC guidelines at:
While the mask mandate is in effect, the following will apply to all in-person classes (including in-person classes associated with hybrid courses):
·      In a classroom, if a fully vaccinated instructor is teaching a class and can maintain social distance from all others in the classroom, he/she may choose not to wear a mask (subject to any additional Department guidelines regarding the use of face shields or other layers of protection).
·      Students who attempt to enter a classroom without wearing masks will be asked by the instructor to put on their masks before entering. Students who remove their masks during a class session will be asked by the instructor to put on their masks. Masks will be available for distribution for those who need one.
·      Students may remove their masks momentarily during class (to drink something quickly), in classrooms other than labs, but must replace their masks immediately after that. The consumption of food is not permitted in any classroom or lab. 
·      Students who are not fully vaccinated are also required to maintain social distancing between themselves and all others in a classroom.
BMCC Policy on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Statement
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas, words or artistic, scientific, or technical work as one’s own creation. Using the idea or work of another is permissible only when the original author is identified. Paraphrasing and summarizing, as well as direct quotations, require citations to the original source. Plagiarism may be intentional or unintentional. Lack of dishonest intent does not necessarily absolve a student of responsibility for plagiarism. Students who are unsure how and when to provide documentation are advised to consult with their instructors. The library has guides designed to help students to appropriately identify a cited work. The full policy can be found on BMCC’s Web site, For further information on integrity and behavior, please consult the college bulletin (also available online).
BMCC is committed to the health and well‐being of all students. It is common for everyone to seek assistance at some point in their life, and there are free and confidential services on campus that can help.

Advocacy and Resource Center (ARC) room S230, 212‐220‐8195, If you are having problems with food or housing insecurity, finances, health insurance or anything else that might get in the way of your studies at BMCC, contact the Advocacy and Resource Center (formerly Single Stop) for assistance. Please contact us at, call 212-220-8195, or come by the office at room S230. You may also contact the Office of Student Affairs, S350, 212‐220‐8130,, for assistance.

Counseling Center, room S343, 212‐220‐8140, Counselors assist students in addressing psychological and adjustment issues (i.e., depression, anxiety, and relationships) and can help with stress, time management and more. Counselors are available for walk‐in visits.

Office of Compliance and Diversity,  room S701, 212-220-1236. BMCC is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment free of unlawful discrimination/harassment, including sexual harassment, where all students are treated fairly. For information about BMCC’s policies and resources, or to request additional assistance in this area, please visit or call the office, or email, or If you need immediate assistance, please contact BMCC Public safety at 212-220-8080.

Office of Accessibility, Students who need academic accommodations in connection with a disability must initiate the request with BMCC’s Office of Accessibility (OA). Students need to register with the Office of Accessibility in order to officially disclose their disability status to the College and to determine eligibility for appropriate reasonable accommodations (including any prior IEPs or 504s). Please contact the OA at the start of the semester (or as soon as possible) to coordinate any accommodation request/s:, Room N360 (accessible entrance: 77 Harrison Street), 212-220-8180,