Syelle Graves’s Profile

Active 1 day, 11 hours ago
25 to 36 (of 69 total)

BMCC Health Education Department

Lesley Rennis

This community is for faculty, staff, and students of the BMCC HED Department. The Department will use this site to communicate essential information.

BMCC Psychology Major

Marjan Persuh

The Social Science, Human Services and Criminal Justice Department offers a major in Psychology which will lead to an Associate in Arts degree. The program will enable students to transfer into Psychology programs […]

CUNY ECSE Associate Degree Programs & Career Development Pipelines for Aspiring NYC Educators

Jen Longley

Community for CUNY Development of ECSE Associate Degree Programs and Career Development Pipelines for Aspiring NYC Educators grant funded by OSEP

Center for Career Development

Center for Career Development

Driada Rivas

The Center for Career Development supports BMCC students in their career engagement, readiness, and success by providing them with guidance, tools, resources, and access to employment and professional […]

Open Pedagogy/Word Press Seminar | Summer 2020

jean amaral, Gina Cherry

A virtual seminar for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in June 2020.

Teaching on the OpenLab | Summer 2023

Gina Cherry

A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in the June 2023 Teaching on the OpenLab. (Image credit: ”Abstract Bird” by Biance Van Dijk on Pixabay).

Teaching on the OpenLab

Teaching on the OpenLab

Gina Cherry

A place for BMCC faculty who are teaching (or considering teaching) on the OpenLab to connect and share ideas. Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Gina’s Playground

Gina’s Playground

Gina Cherry

Test community

M&A Faculty and Staff for Distance Learning

M&A Faculty and Staff for Distance Learning

Eugenia Yau

This project is for planning and organizing of the Music and Art Department during the distance learning period. It is an internal community and has information and resources for the faculty and staff. Please […]



Syelle Graves


Teacher Education Department

Jen Longley

This community is for all members of the Teacher Education Department — students, faculty, and staff from all programs (early childhood education, childhood education, bilingual education, and secondary education.

Academic Literacy and Linguistics Faculty Community

Academic Literacy and Linguistics Faculty Community

Ewa Barnes, Prof. Elizabeth Robb

Academic Literacy and Linguistics Faculty Community. Teaching materials and resources will soon be available here.