This website supports the work of grant H325N230011 awarded by the DOE OSEP (325N) to increase associate degree faculty capacity in early childhood special education (ECSE) and career pathways in ECSE for associate degree preservice teachers.
The purpose of this project is to address the critical shortage of ECSE staff by developing associate degree programs/ specializations and courses through a partnership among six CUNY colleges — Borough of Manhattan Community College, Bronx Community College, Brooklyn College, Hostos Community College, Kingsborough Community College, LaGuardia Community College — and a nonprofit, Kennedy Children’s Center. CUNY community colleges do not offer ECSE associate degrees, contributing to the ECSE workforce shortage.
Expected project outcomes are to:
- develop equitable CUNY associate degree ECSE courses and programs/specializations that articulate with a partnering CUNY four-year college;
- train ECE associate degree faculty in ECSE;
- create career pathways for diverse associate degree students.
The project design is to form a dynamic community of practice (CoP) bringing together early childhood education (ECE) professionals from five City University of New York (CUNY) community colleges, Brooklyn College, and nonprofit organizations.
The project evaluation will consist of:
- associate degree ECSE curriculum review of relevant ECSE recommended practices and personnel preparation guidelines conducted by partnering non-profit organizations;
- faculty self-evaluation of theoretical and practical ECSE competence,
- demographic questionnaires administered to ECSE candidates.