Kar Rosen’s Profile

Active 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Kar Rosen
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About Me
I’m just a collection of organic molecules that decided to make things .
Media Arts and Technology


MEA 211: Intro to Digifab & Phys Comp

MEA 211: Intro to Digifab & Phys Comp

In this hands-on course, students will learn how to create physical interfaces for interacting with technology. Students will be introduced to digital fabrication techniques. They will learn how to program microcontrollers and how to build simple circuits. An emphasis will be placed on building and revising prototypes.

ECE 211 Curriculum for Young Children 1 – Fall 2022

ECE 211 Curriculum for Young Children 1 – Fall 2022

This course is an introduction to the theories, methods and materials of curriculum planning in early childhood education (Preschool – Grade 2), with an emphasis on providing developmentally and culturally appropriate learning environments and experiences that encourage creativity in young children. The following topics are explored in depth: the intellectual and emotional importance of fostering creativity, the role of play in learning, the design of effective arts-based learning environments; the role of visual arts, music, movement and language arts/emergent literacy in developing children?s cognitive, social-emotional, physical, language and self-help skills. Course work includes workshops in planning and implementing creative arts experiences for young children.

MEA 211 | Intro to Digital Fabrication and Physical Computing | Course Hub

MEA 211 | Intro to Digital Fabrication and Physical Computing | Course Hub

An OER for MEA 211

MEA 211 Introduction to Digital Fabrication and Physical Computing

MEA 211 Introduction to Digital Fabrication and Physical Computing

In this hands-on course, students will learn how to create physical interfaces for interacting with technology. Students will be introduced to digital fabrication techniques. They will learn how to program microcontrollers and how to build simple circuits. An emphasis will be placed on building and revising prototypes.


MEA Faculty and Staff

MEA Faculty and Staff

This project is for planning and administration of the Media Arts and Technology Department. It is an internal project and has information and resources for the faculty and staff. Please ask to join if you teach in or work with the department. If you are a student or looking for the externally facing department site visit the Media Arts and Technology Department project.

Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

Queer Pride Alliance at BMCC/LGBTQIA+ Resources

This is a community space for LGBTQIA+/queer members of the BMCC community to locate resources, build networks of support and mentorship, and share experiences.




Information on the BMCC Makerspace (opened to all faculty and students)