Danesh Singh’s Profile

Active 2 months, 4 weeks ago
Danesh Singh
Office Location
Academic Literacy and Linguistics, Other


Critical Thinking (CRT 100) Primer | Prof. Danesh Singh

Critical Thinking (CRT 100) Primer | Prof. Danesh Singh

This is a primer for students enrolled in CRT 100. It is intended to cover fundamentals and not be comprehensive. Critical Thinking (Same as CRT 100) is designed to develop the mind and help students learn to think clearly and effectively. Through substantive readings, structured writing assignments and ongoing discussions, students will examine concrete examples from their own experience and readings and contemporary issues in the media to learn how to analyze issues, solve problems, and make informed decisions in their academic, professional, and personal lives.


First Year Experience (FYE) Teaching Resources for Faculty

First Year Experience (FYE) Teaching Resources for Faculty

How can we contribute to student success–success not only academic, but also emotional and social–during their time at BMCC? Students’ first year experience is especially important in developing and nourishing their sense of purpose and belonging, their love of learning, access to services and resources, as well as students’ exploration of career paths and citizenship. This is the goal of FYE-embedded courses, and here is a resource site with relevant materials for faculty. We welcome contributions.

Training for Teaching FYE

Training for Teaching FYE

A virtual learning community for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in FYE Training.

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab | Summer 2021

Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab | Summer 2021

A virtual seminar for faculty who applied and were accepted to participate in June 2021. (Image credit: “Teaching Open Source Practices, Version 4.0” by opensource.com is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


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