Caroline Rodriguez’s Profile

Active 1 year ago
1 to 3 (of 3 total)

BUS 104-0501 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Fall 2023

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|BUS 104|Fall 2023

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

BUS 104-B054 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Fall 2023

Brielle Buckler
Business Administration, A.S.|Business Management, A.A.S.|Digital Marketing, A.S.|Financial Management, A.S.|Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.|BUS 104|Fall 2023

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical […]

COM 150-00 | Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture | Fall 2023| Prof. Eliot Chayt

COM 150-00 | Introduction to Digital Communication and Culture | Fall 2023| Prof. Eliot Chayt

Eliot Chayt
COM 150|Fall 2023

OpenLab site for the 1300 section of COM 150. Join if you’re in my class!!