Course: BUS 104-0501 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Fall 2023

active 2 months, 2 weeks ago
BUS 104-0501 | Intro to Business | Professor Buckler | Fall 2023
This Course is OPEN.
Business Management
Academic Programs
Business Administration, A.S., Business Management, A.A.S., Digital Marketing, A.S., Financial Management, A.S., Small Business Entrepreneurship, A.A.S.
Course Contact
Course Code
BUS 104
Section Code
Fall 2023
Course Description

This course surveys business and industry in the United States with global growth strategy. Emphasis is placed on building Communication and Quantitative skills, including Excel spreadsheets, and an Ethical Foundation. The course introduces students to concepts in Management, Organizational Structure, Human Resources, Marketing, International Business, Finance, Computer Information Systems, Accounting, and Economics, and encourages students to explore career paths. Required of all Business majors.

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