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This semester was enjoyable and artistic. I got to develop my character more, and I learned many things. I like how my walk cycle ended up, and I look forward to seeing other’s people work.
Adding the sound was fun. I had visited a website before to buy sounds but when I was about to buy them the price was different. So, I decided to use Freesound, which I had used in my first semester with Professor Pinkas. I received feedback from the Professor, and I made some adjustments as the sound being sync with the steps. I had fun, but sometimes I struggle. I noticed that when I have a difficult time with something, and I do research, I learn more. I look forward to my last presentation.
At first, animating the title was a challenge. So, I looked for some tutorials, and they helped a lot. I learned new effects and how to interact with them. The credits were a little easier to do; I did not have a challenge. The project is looking great, and I can not wait to add sound.
I had many challenges this time. My files were interacting with one another, so I had to fix it with the professor’s assistance and Tiffany’s. Even though it was a challenge, I enjoyed it because I learned how to use the software a little more as I face difficulties. Sometimes I was lost and did not know what to do, but I got tutoring, and I corrected it. I have been enjoying every step of the process, and I look forward to seeing this completed.
When transferring the background and walk cycle, I had some issues, and the professor helped me solve them. I had some problems when using the camera. The background was moving upward, and below, it was blank. I had to adjust the background and character. It was enjoyable transferring to after-effects. I look forward to seeing the results.
Some difficulties that I had were placing the food and figuring out a good size. Also, I had some problems doing the steak, so I decided to use the line tool to make the grill’s rectangles on the steak; it was fun after figuring out how to do it. I like how it turned out. It looks nice, and the colors are vivid. I drew everything on paper, then I inked it and traced it in animate.
Bugiardo is a superhero, but people do not believe him because he got a power that makes individuals not strong hungry. So he ends up cooking for them, and he is called super-chef. I decided to make a background of giant food because he cooks for the enemy that challenges him most of the time. He will be walking as he passes all kinds of fruits and food in the background, which are ingredients for his cooking and creations.
Some of the challenges I had were drawing close-ups and including the fruits, so I had to decide what should be shown of the fruits and not because the foods are giants. Another challenge was writing Bugiardo, which means liar in Italian. I tend to spell it as Burgiado; it has been happening to me for a long time. Other than that, I had fun drawing.
I added in-between frames for the walk to be smooth. One difficulty I had was with one frame that I could not fill in with the basket, so I had to brush and paint it. Another obstacle I had was with the head moving it backward; after a couple of tries, I figured it out.