Welcome Faculty to the BMCC Library Information Literacy Program. This new program is designed for BMCC Faculty Members to engage with and incorporate library resources into their course curriculum to enhance learning. The resources presented on this site are designed for both subject-specific and general research needs. For the full list of subjects available, go to the Faculty Assignment Toolkits dropdown menu.
Popular Subject Specific Toolkits:
NOTE: See top navigation for other “Faculty Assignment Toolkits”
TIP 1: This BMCC Library Information Literacy site is for BMCC Professors. Do not send students to this website, rather share the links you will find on this site with students, as these links direct them to the appropriate Library Guides.
TIP 2: The materials on the LibGuides can be completed during a class session or asynchronously, as homework. The quizzes and tutorials are self-graded and can be turned in for credit.