Hello my name is Jarlyne Zuniga, I am 20 years old and I live in the bronx. I learned how to do acrylic nails during quarantine. I can say this is something that gives me comfort because it distracts me, it relaxes me. A quote that I like is ” the only way you see results is if you stay consistent”. The reason I like this quote is because it’s a reminder to me that I will only succeed if I stay consistent. I am excited for this semester. hoping everything goes well !
Taavixiqua Hernandez-Lewis: Introduction
Hey everyone
My name is Taavixiqua (tah-vuh-zee-kwuh) T is also fine. Im from Brooklyn. I love to watch movies, I like sappy movies, rom coms, and murder mysteries you name it. I really love music as well. Like really love music. Like if I could show how much, this is what it would look like
I play guitar, trumpet, and a little bit of the drums. I also love traveling, although I haven’t been much places. And who knows when that will happen thanks to freaking covid 🙁 I never thought I’d say this but I miss school. Being in the classroom… with other students..the whole school environment. Good ol days. But yeah, Im looking forward to the experience and knowledge Im going to gain from this class.
Paola Gordillo: Introduction
Hi everyone!
My name is Paola I am 19 years old and I live in Queens. This is my last semester at bmcc and I wished classes were in person so there could be more interaction between everyone. There are a few things that I really enjoy doing like dancing. Every time I dance it just brings me happiness and a feeling of freedom, it just makes me feel comfortable. A quote that I really like states “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself”. Every time I remember this makes me think of who I am and who I can.
Tracy Chan: Introduction
Hey! I’m Tracy and I’m excited to learn in this class, I really like to write so I hope the Writing Intensive part goes in my favor.
This will be my last semester at BMCC (hopefully) and I wished we could all be in person, this course is definitely interesting and I love a little controversy here and there so can’t wait to hear everyone’s opinions.
I hope you enjoy the semester as well and stay safe out there!
Alex Olderman: Introduction
Hi Everyone!
My name is Alex, and this is my first time back in college since 2016 so I’m really excited to be here. I moved to Brooklyn from Jersey City in October so I’m in somewhat of a transitional phase of changing people, places, and things in my life (scary, but also thrilling).
Those changes aside, I’m definitely a creature of habit and the things that bring me the most comfort and joy are the things I try to keep in my life every day. for example: I enjoy making my bed, it’s like giving myself a tiny gold star first thing in the morning and sets me up for the rest of my day. I also love crossword puzzles and try to do the New York Times crossword every day. The pandemic has definitely amplified the importance of performing these little rituals for me.
There’s a tweet that I read back in 2012 that said “Everything happens so much” – I still think about it a lot.
Melody Kology Introduction
Hello Dr. Soniya and class colleagues,
My name is Melody and I am coming most recently from the production world where I assumed various Art Department roles, from prop master to set construction to production design, although I’ve floated in and out of many different types of work before I fell into my production career. I moved up to this city two weeks before I turned 18, and somehow twelve years have flown by. I didn’t have a path to going to school right away, so I am very excited to be here finishing up my AA now, better late than never! My goal is to forge a path to a career working in curriculum studies and development. Accessible, affordable, and quality education is a deeply held passion of mine, especially after struggling in school growing up, largely due to external factors.
I am fortunate that many things bring me joy, like the playlists I’ve been making for myself since back when burning CD’s was a thing, a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, a cozy spot with lots of blankets and pillows + a great book, a good stretch, cooking a stellar meal, making art and building stuff (I am a craft master), writing, and my tuxedo cat Jet. Maybe he will make an appearance this semester, he loves to jump on my laptop keyboard at the most inopportune of moments!
It was so nice meeting you all in our first class, it seems like we have a class full of excellent humans. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone this semester, and always hoping to make some new friends along this educational journey.
claudia Domfeh-osafo
my name is claudia , im 19 years old , I live the bronx. I don’t have any objects or sounds that gives me joy but I can say when i travel and spend time with my family that brings me a lot of joy
Module 1 is now available for you here.
Post on Discussion Board: Introduction (DuE 11:59 PM on Monday 2/8/21)
Write a post in which you introduce yourself to the class. In your post, please tell us about an object, ritual, practice, song, saying or something else that brings you joy or comfort. You can add a photo or video or audio if you like.
Instructions on how to post (including how to add media) can be found here.
Please title your post: First Name Last Name: Introduction and select “DB Introduction” as the category for your post.
Please do not make your post sticky– see below:
Module 1
Learning Goals
Welcome to Week 1 of Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies! This week, our goal is to get oriented to the course and to begin to get to know one another. We will:
- Become familiar with the course syllabus + course schedule + assignments
- Introduce ourselves to one another
- Begin to learn about the field of Gender and Women’s Studies– what and who is it about?
Post on Discussion Board: Introduction (due 2/8)
Write a post in which you introduce yourself to the class. In your post, please tell us about an object, ritual, practice, song, saying or something else that brings you joy or comfort. You can add a photo or video or audio if you like.
Instructions on how to post (including how to add media) can be found here.
Please title your post: First Name Last Name: Introduction and select “DB Introduction” as the category for your post.
Readings and other Materials
The readings for this week are layered with complex ideas that we will discuss in class– please do the best you can with the readings, track what interests you, and bring questions to class.
First, review these slides as they offer context for the readings as well as guiding questions. I’ve also pasted the questions below.
- Read: hooks, “Feminist Politics: Where We Stand”
- In this piece, hooks makes an argument for a definition of feminism. She says it is a movement to end sexism. What does she mean by this?
- According to hooks, there are different misunderstandings of what feminism means. What are the misunderstandings and why have they occurred?
- Read: Lorde, “Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference”
- This essay was first delivered as a speech in which Lorde asks the audience/reader to think about difference– how does she want us to consider differences between us? What are the consequences of ignoring difference?
- She also writes of the ways that differences are used to separate people. What does she mean and what are the consequences?
- In this essay, Lorde expresses her vision for social change. What does she want to see?
- Listen (or read the transcript): “A Look Back at Women’s Studies Since the 1970s” (6:00)
- What led to the formation of Women’s Studies programs in the U.S.? How did it become a field of study?
- What questions is Gender and Women’s Studies interested in asking?
- What relationship does this academic field have to women’s and/or feminist social movements?
- OPTIONAL Read: “The Evolution of American Women’s Studies.”
- What are some of the “successes” and challenges of the field?
Post on Discussion Board #1 (due 2/8)
This week’s readings ask us to think about feminist politics and the politics of difference. We also begin to learn about the formalization of gender and women’s studies as academic fields. For this week’s post, please answer any (not all) of the following sets of questions:
- Coming into this class, what are some of your initial impressions of the terms “feminism,” “sexism” and “gender and women’s studies?” How do this week’s readings define or explain these terms? Use specific quotes or examples in your response.
- Both hooks and Lorde address the ways that differences can operate to bring people together or further divide us. What do they each have to say about ideas of “difference?” How do you see this operating in your own life and/or the world around you?
- What do this week’s readings have you thinking about? Select a quote from each reading that caught your attention. Discuss the author’s meaning and why these lines stood out to you.
**Instructions on how to post can be found here.
Please title your post: First Name Last Name: DB 1 and select “DB 1” as the category for your post.
Remote Learning + Technology Survey (Optional)
I would love for you to fill out this optional survey which asks questions about your experience with remote learning and access to technology. Your responses will help inform how I teach this course. You do not have to fill in your name– you can be anonymous.