

Essay #5–suggested due date 5/4

Instructions: For this fifth essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 10. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #5 as your category for the post.

You can write in response to any of these prompts– make sure to be clear about which prompt you are using.

Prompt 1: Based on Anita or Out in the Night (or both), what do we learn about the process of speaking out or fighting back in situations of gendered violence? What do the victim-survivors say about their experience and how are their stories received– by their family/friends/colleagues, the legal system, the media? Where did they receive support, healing, or have their needs met? What does this show us about what is useful for survivors and what needs to change?

Prompt 2: Why do INCITE/Critical Resistance (and the signers of the statement on Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex) believe  that prisons are not the solution for gendered violence? What do they say are the problems with prisons? What are the limits of the anti-prison’s movement work to address gendered violence? What are the solutions that they propose? Where do you agree or disagree with their position and why?


Essay #4– suggested due date 4/20

Instructions: For this fourth essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 9. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #4 as your category for the post.

PROMPT: Using the materials from Module 9, please reflect on the different ways that “family” is defined and the role that “family” plays in society– as in, what are the social and cultural expectations of what a family is or does? What are the economic or legal aspects of the “family?” What do feminist or queer interventions show about the limits of the nuclear family as the dominant family type? Please use evidence from at least one of the readings or film from the Module. You can also bring in other evidence from your experience and/or popular culture, history, etc.

Transfer Pipeline Program with Hunter– apps due 8/4

dear all,The Transfer Pipeline Program at Hunter College is a new transfer-student mentorship program for CUNY community college students who are starting at Hunter College in Fall 21.   The program is open to all CUNY CC-Hunter transfer students but the focus will be on Asian American Pacific Islander and 1st generation college students (of all backgrounds). The program will run every academic year.
Please share the attached flyer with other students.
Thank you!


Grades + happy summer! (please read…)

Congratulations on completing the semester! The last few months continued to be  unlike any we have ever experienced and I hope that you feel good about getting to the end, whatever that has looked like for you. I know that all of us are doing our best and are each facing our own every day challenges.

I loved this class and getting to know all of you, your writing, ideas, questions. The final projects in this class were so sophisticated, beautiful, powerful– and say a lot about what Gender and Women’s Studies can do and what active GWS scholars and practitioners (that’s us!) care about.

As I mentioned on the last day of class, our relationship can continue even though our class time together has ended. I hope you will see me as a resource here at BMCC and beyond.  I wish all of you the very best in your next steps and I hope you will keep me posted on where your life path takes you!

A few notes for you:

  • Grades have been posted on CUNY First. IF you feel I have made an error in calculating your grade — which is different than feeling unhappy about your grade– please send me a message with specific details and I will review the Gradebook.


  • If any of you are interested in taking more  Gender and Women’s Studies classes or Ethnic Studies courses, learning more about these majors, or anything related to these areas of BMCC, please be in touch.


  • I will be on Sabbatical in the 2021-2022 academic year so I won’t be teaching. I am around through the end of July but then I will be limited in my email access/communication until next summer- so I will reply to you if you reach out to me in that time, but know that I may not reply quickly.


  • If you want to stay in touch with me without using the Open Lab/BMCC email– especially if you are graduating– please feel free to email me with another email address + I will update my address book.

have a great summer! <3 

Professor Soniya

Hailey DelValle – Final Project

I dedicated my statement to struggle. Not only the political struggle we undergo as women under white supremacy and the heteronormative patriarchy, but also the internal struggle I undergo as a person with trauma, fears, and cultural identity that shapes a large part of who I am. I hope that with my writings and my photos, I am able to display my truth, and how I see the value of my fight in every single woman, femme, and vagina owner that I have had the blessing of encountering in this life. I was writing with the purpose of understanding power better, of being able to see where it lies and where it is taken away precisely. I realized after working on this project and after a meeting with my community organization New York Boricua Resistance that there can be two truths that co-exist. While men are the first ones needed to divest from toxic masculinity before we can do anything for gender equality and justice, it is women’s position as a marginalized group that has allowed for us to see the mechanisms of the system at play. Feminist deconstruction is what granted us this understanding and gave the beast a name, therefore, men’s liberation will always be a feminist struggle too. Nevertheless, I aimed a lot of my discussion on women’s liberation towards the brutalization of black and brown women by men in our communities. It’s relevant to me given the current state of things in Puerto Rico. I hope you enjoy it. 

Final Exam due Friday 5/21 2pm + Survey

hi all, Please remember that your final exam is due no later than 2pm tomorrow (Friday). Instructions are here.

AND, also: Please do offer your feedback/reflections about our class through this end-of-semester form. If we get to an 80% response rate (20 students) by tomorrow, I will give the whole class extra credit– right now, we are only at 7 responses!

Hamidou Soumailou

I believe what she was saying is so true and important for individuals to understand.  Every individual should try and be in a healthy relationship. it is necessary and well significant that you both partners make it work by working together as a team, you have my back and I have yours. Both need to care about one another problems and happiness, Their problem is your problem their happiness is yours as well. Numerous relationships out there have filled because when there’s a problem people tend to run away from it by breaking up instead of finding a solution to fix it. It takes a while for a person’s heart to heal from their past relationship and you guys breaking up is damaging both of you guy’s hearts. love is not just a feeling it’s commitment, and above all sacrifice. 


  • Your final exam is due no later than May 21, 2pm. Instructions are here
  • AND: This survey asks for your feedback about our class. Your responses will help me make revisions to the class in future semesters. If the class gets to an 80% response rate (20 students) by Friday, May 21, I will give everyone an extra credit point on their final grade! So far, only 7 people have responded! 

Angelee Torres DB 1

Coming into this class, my initial impression about “feminism” was just women who fight for rights and equality and just wore feminism shirts, and pins, and protested so that they can be equal to men. My impression of “sexism” is men being superior and the lack of equality and rights towards women. I believed “gender and women’s studies” was based on the role women play in society and their history and elevation.  One quote that tries to imply what feminism is “Simply put feminism is a movement to end sexism. This was a definition of feminism I offered in Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center more than ten years ago. It was my hope at the time that it would become a common definition everyone would use. I liked this definition because it did not imply that men were the enemy. By naming sexism as the problem, it went directly to the heart of the matter.” A line that indicates some type of evolution is “Women’s studies programs, now common, were rare on campuses just a few generations ago. The evolution of the discipline, and its status in academe today, are the subjects of the essays in The Evolution…” 

Angelee Torres DB 8

When did the wage gap start getting noticed as a problem? 

How much time does It take to compare all the information and numbers for the statistic on the wage gap? 

Something I noticed/ experiences was when I used to work in a supermarket. I was a cashier, and another position was to be a “stock boy.” Notice how the position has the word boy at the end and only males worked in that position. All of the cashiers were females and the men worked longer hours than the cashiers which means they were paid more as well. 

Angelee Torres DB 3

In the text Seneca Falls Convention, “Declaration of Sentiments” (1848), one quote that stood out to me was “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.” This line stood out to me because I felt this sentence as it shook me to my core. That quote states that we are still living the same unfortunate reality. The “history” is not really history if us women never stopped getting hurt by men whether that is politically, socially, emotionally, etc. That men have a horrid oppressive rule over women and it is not new, but it is definitely old. It has been going on for fat too long. Another quote that stood out to me was “He has endeavored, in every way that he could, to destroy her conficence in her own powers, to lessen her self-respect, and to make her willing to lead a dependent and abject life.” This line stood out to me because I have encountered and seen this happen to so many women on Tv, social media, and real life. Men crush women’s dream and potentials so that they can be under their wing and not surpass them. So that they can be dominant, in control and superior. 

DB 13

I think what they were talking bout was very interesting and very important. Every person should be in a healthy relationship, whether it’s platonic or romantic, or familial. For romantic it’s important and well helpful that you both work together to make it work and that you both can help form each other no matter how you are feeling. Needs to be someone that cares and loves you unconditionally for you and will be there and support you in every way you could ever think of. There are o many relationships out there that are filled with hurt and negative energy, and with that, a lot of those just end up broken relationships in the sense of it does more damage staying together than it is to break apart. We need some who gonna be there to help us, to help us carry the load if we aren’t strong enough and sees it as no effort or burden. Someone who will help motivate us and keeps us on our toes. Someone you can fall in love with over and over again. Love is beyond a beautiful thing and even more amazing to experience, whether it is romantic, platonic, or anything else. With that, there is so much to learn and put into practice.