Hamidou Soumailou

We all know how the Coronavirus pandemics have affected individual’s lives it did matter, man or women. But while reading a passage that can from The Simple True talks about who were mostly affected by the coronavirus pandemic. It states that more women were affected than men, to be more specific women of color. Considering the start of the pandemic, a large number of women than
men have lost jobs because so many works in industries that have shrunk in 2020, such as the restaurant, retail, hotel, and travel sectors, etc… I am not okay seeing this because it will make women feel like their no need for them in the outside world instead of just staying home as a domestic.

According to AAPI Women’s economic security that talks about wage gaps in women’s economy. Women in the U.S. who work full-time, year-round
are typically given only 82 cents for every dollar adjusted to their male equivalents. And when it comes to race it’s even worst, your race indicates the amount of money you can receive. We don’t choose our races you get what God gives you, but that shouldn’t determine your worth because at the end of the day we are all humans.

Leslie Tepoz: DB7

When reading “It’s Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women” by Tina Vasquez I was quite surprised on how there is feminist that actually believed that trans women should not have the same rights as women. Which are known as TERFs. In the passage it states “In 2008, trans women and trans advocates started referring to this group as “trans-exclusionary radical feminists” or TERFs, a term Brennan considers a slur“.

It just amazes me how they started referring this group as TERFs in 2008 which is not that long ago only about 13 years ago. Also in this passage we see the issue of transgender people having bathroom access a issue. I was baffled when it stated that there was people that felt unsafe if they did allow that access because of the fear of them seeing trans dangerous but in fact it was the transgenders that were at risk “They would say that Indeed, if anyone is in harm’s way in public restrooms, it’s trans people, who can face abuse or assault no matter which restroom they choose. A 2011 survey of 6,000 transgender Americans found that more than half of the people surveyed reported experiencing harassment in public accommodations, including bathrooms, restaurants, and hotels.” Yes we have improved by giving transgender people bathroom access, but we can not sit here and say there is people still against that access unfortunately. But on the bright side we have improved and have cities and school districts that give transgender people bathroom access.

Leslie Tepoz: DB4

. As you read, consider the themes or similarities across the texts– what issues are being taken up by these authors? What are their concerns? What do you notice about their critiques of gender inequity?

When reading the texts is that women should prioritize themselves. Also the inequality of the work of men and women. For example in the reading ” I want a wife” was about how women should cater to men and be a “housewife” and that would be what they would call a perfect wife. which is unfair since it seems like the women is doing more of the hard work. Also the concerns in the text ” women liberation” by Gloria Stienman speaks about the feminist movement to stop the old believing of what women should do. Also in the text “I’m glad I was in the Stonewall riot’ concerns was the mistreatment by authorities and the unfair equity. But they stood for themselves and at the end people fought back and started throwing pennies at them to stop. “All of us were working for so many movements at that time. Everyone was involved with the women’s movement, the peace movemen “.

DB#2: The system of patriarchy

This a social system where men take the crucial power and preponderate in political leadership roles, property control, moral authority, and social privilege. We can mostly participate in the patriarchal system through male lineage inheritance. For instance, male gender inheriting power from their parents.

It’s a social system where men take the crucial power and preponderate in political leadership roles, property control, moral authority, and social privilege. We can mostly participate in the patriarchal system through male lineage inheritance—for instance, the male gender inheriting power from the society or external environment. While patriarchy is inherited and relies more on the male gender, according to the individualistic model, success is not through the person’s relationship with society or external environment but individual achievement. Through patriarchy, we understand some powers, previlages or authorities are from a specific gender, which isn’t the case in an individualistic model—for example, someone’s relationship with God.