Module 7


Please watch this video in which I give you an overview + background for this week’s material.  It’s 25 minutes! I will work on making the next one shorter- but I do hope you watch this one until the end. If you want to access the slides directly, you can find them here


Read: Vasquez, “It’s Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women” 

Read: Transgender People and Bathroom Access 

Read (optional): NYC Executive Order 16 (2016)


Edge of Sports Podcast, Chase Strangio on Countering Attacks on Trans Athletes (*interview with Chase Strangio is the first 29 minutes of the podcast)

WATCH (optional)

Sylvia Rivera Law Project, Toilet Training (25 minutes)

Discussion Board #7 (due 3/22)

For this week’s discussion board, please write a response to any of the material from this week. Your response can include: a summary of the material, connections you are making between the readings/podcast/film and/or any questions that come up for you. You can also share in your post anything from the materials that you would like to talk about more in class– I’ll plan our class time in response to what you write.

Instructions/How to post here

Please title your post: First Name Last Name: DB 7 and select “DB 7” as the category for your post.

Essay #2

The prompts for Essay #2 are available under “Assignments” here


  1. Read the instructions + come to class with any questions. 
  2. Work on your proposal (due next week, 3/23) 
    • My suggestion is to look at your discussion board posts and/or Essay #1 and/or any notes you have taken in class and/or the readings/materials + ask yourself: what’s sparking your interest? What are you feeling excited or curious about? What do you want to say?
    • Write a short proposal (~2-3 paragraphs) in which you state:
      • which form you will be working in (memoir or manifesto)
      • initial ideas about the themes or issues that you want to engage: what do you already know about and what do you want to explore? 
      • if you already know: what form will you work in (an essay, or something else?)
      • DUE DATE: TUESDAY MARCH 23. You can write your proposal as a post on our course site and select “PROPOSAL” as your category. You can make it private. Either way, my feedback to you will be private.
  3. Sign up for a meeting with me before April 16 here 
  4. Sign up for a class presentation here