Essay #4– suggested due date 4/20

Instructions: For this fourth essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 9. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #4 as your category for the post.

PROMPT: Using the materials from Module 9, please reflect on the different ways that “family” is defined and the role that “family” plays in society– as in, what are the social and cultural expectations of what a family is or does? What are the economic or legal aspects of the “family?” What do feminist or queer interventions show about the limits of the nuclear family as the dominant family type? Please use evidence from at least one of the readings or film from the Module. You can also bring in other evidence from your experience and/or popular culture, history, etc.

Mariam Varazashvili Essay 4

 Family is a very important unit for humankind. It is a strong network between relatives. Family is a hope, force, support, motivation, and base of everything. The first what can I say is that family has a huge influence on the child’s psychology. We should remember that our childhood has a very important role in our personality. Who are we today? We are big children. A good families can create good persons and good generation. Because of this, I think that family is a vitally important connection in our society. Persons need to shear something with someone; they need to know that they are not alone, and there are people who care about them. Every religion preach that we must love our family. It has a huge role not only in our hearts, but also in our society. There are different kinds of families. Household family is a more spread types of family. According to the reading, BEYOND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, families that are created by same sex people are norm in our society.  “Recognizing the diverse households that already are the norm in this country is simply a matter of expanding upon the various forms of legal recognition that already are available. The LGBT movement has played an instrumental role in creating and advocating for domestic partnerships, second parent adoptions, reciprocal beneficiary arrangements, joint tenancy/home-ownership contracts, health care proxies, powers of attorney, and other mechanisms that help provide stability and security for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual individuals and families.” 

 Also, there is speaking about nuclear family. Definition of nuclear family is an elementary family where are two parents and usually two or three children. “U.S. Census findings tell us that a majority of people, whatever their sexual and gender identities, do not live in traditional nuclear families.” According to the reading marriage is an important factor for part of our society. “Marriage is not the only worthy form of family or relationship, and it should not be legally and economically privileged above all others. While we honor those for whom marriage is the most meaningful personal ­– for some, also a deeply spiritual – choice, we believe that many other kinds of kinship relationship, households, and families must also be accorded recognition.” Although, there are some problems for them who wants to marriage. It is not easy for LGBT people. There are some economic and other policy problems. Additionally, I want to speak about economic stress that has effect on the families. Millions of people are anxious about economic situation, because in the United States, more and more individuals and families are experiencing the violence of poverty. 

 I think that everyone must has chance to make a family. I cannot see problem if couple do not want to marriage. Even though I am sure that nuclear family where parents feel love each other has a perfect influence on new generation. This kind of household is more solid. I think that in my case, I will marriage. 

Elba Leon: essay #4

What is family? A societal construct or is mainly biological. Well family is what an individual would like it to be. Can consist of blood relatives or friends who have gotten so close and chosen to accept each other. Sometimes those who are too close to us are the ones who are the ones who do not treat each other like family should. One can say well who is supposed to determine how a family treats each other. Just to start off with a basic amount of respect and dignity and sometimes that just does not happen.

Feminists and queer interventions challenge the idea of the “nuclear family” which is mostly just seen as a mom, dad, and their children. These ideas are challenged because who is society to say what families are the ideal. When every family is working, and it does not matter the components. The “nuclear family” limits other members to be recognized a legitimate family. For example, just like “Beyond Sex Marriage: A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR FAMILIES & RELATIONSHIPS” brings out to advocate for other structures of families. Families do not have to be romantic. They can be platonic, for instance grandparents with their grandchildren, close friends, siblings, and care givers.

Families can be composed of a mom and a mom, a dad and a dad, single moms, single dads, and the heteronormative couples. The visions that exist for the ways that families can be formed without restraint is that this would definitely help LGBTQ community since it breaks a barrier of the stigma within society.

My thoughts on family structure start with the basis that does not matter what sex is raising the children, as long as the children and the rest of the family has a strong foundation the children will grow up in a nurturing environment. I also agree with the principles of “Beyond Sex Marriage: A NEW STRATEGIC VISION FOR ALL OUR FAMILIES & RELATIONSHIPS “the concept of marriage should be a path to be closer with the other person.

The media does a really important job because it represents diverse backgrounds in couples and families. Just like the Fosters a television program that depicts two same sex interracial couple with one biological child and four foster children who later in the show are adopted. Our society is changing, slowly but surely. Now it is acceptable to break off from your biological family and embrace a family that has adopted each other. Paris is Burning is a prime example on what it means for the usage of the media. Showing how families are acquired when biological ones wont accept their own.

Structure should be very strong in order to create a strong dynamic family. These intervention offers us space to grow and to accept the views everyone holds. It is not there to halt the growth within the community. Family is a societal construct. It just means that you have a place, a community, individuals who have such a strong bond with each other and have accepted one another for the better or the worst but they can always depend on each other.