Leticia Rodriguez
March 22, 2021
Dr. Soniya Munshi
“It’s Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women”
I read the article written by Velasquez Tina, which quoted Sandeen Autumn, a transgender activist and U.S service that wanted to succeed a petition in changing her gender identification on all her military records. Autumn quoted: “Transphobia is no longer acceptable in the name of feminist”. I do not believe that is right to make anyone feel alienated from what they identify with, nor think -that an individual are not capable to perform a job, because of gender identity. Feminist can be women, men, teens, transgender, LBGT community, etc. I believe that this movement is for civil rights across the board. There are many phobia’s that people possess from, diseases, racial color, third world countries, religion and even gender identity. It’s a crisis that many perish from lack of understanding.
Velasquez writes a compelling article and quoted many feminist that were either radical feminist like Cathy Brennan, or feminist organizations that possesses moral ethics, beliefs, and practices. I was deeply disturbed by Mary Daley, 1978 book GYN/Ecology comparing the drag queen “Phenomenom” to blackface, even going on to say that surgeons can make a person feminine, but not produce a woman. I clearly think that anyone who has this mind frame has been brought up with a radical religious back round which are another type of radicalism, that believe God hates when God really loves. God hates evil and ominous thoughts in people but loves people. In my opinion, I call this radical behavior, and mental illness as well.
In Velasquez writing, she unveils extreme radicals in feminism with no moral ethics, like Cathy Brennan that should not be tolerated. Another issue that I find shocking is a transgender racial feminist by the name of, Dana Taylor identify as a transexual separatist—quoted”someone who thinks society will be better off if trans people do not participate in spaces meant for women”. Taylor thought that she was doing the right thing for a noble cause, but later realized her morals were unethical and pulled out of the radical feminist movement. Today Taylor suffers from PTSD and anxiety due to these cruel feminist radicals which inflict violence and humiliation for being who they are.
Velasquez wrote a profound quote: “The idea that I’m homophobic and anti-women was upsetting, given that I’m a queer woman“. It is sad to say that feminist, are only women when this movement accepts all genders and people (including men) that stand for the same rights. Furthermore, It is no ones business whom people choose to relate to as gender identity. If more people (all people no matter who you are) have a voice of opinion on this matter, the better for possible change.
We are a nation divided by politics, let us not divide individuals who want to be evolved in this movement. Other so-called feminist with lack of morality, through ignorance of their own issues do not really matter. These individuals should be removed from ever speaking on social media that write hate or negativity about others trying to make a difference. after all, we should not be denied or abridged by feminist racial groups or government in the account of feminism and transgender rights movements. I believe this is a branch from a tree, called hate crimes and how top officials overlook it.