Claudia Domfeh-osafo, DB6

I don’t have a specific meme or song that helps inspire or motivate me , but there is this quote that my mother tells me all the time when I’m feeling overwhelmed with life In general or even school. it has helped me become resilient to most situations and I feel that this quote can help my class mates or even my professor.

“If you can’t fix or change it , don’t dwell on it “

That saying that my mother says goes a little more deeper. If you are going through something and its fixable , go ahead and keep trying and make it a better situation than it is . But if you are going through something and it can’t be changed , don’t stress your self out or become overwhelmed , keep moving forward.

Melody Kology DB6

This video was shared in my creative writing class, Stacyann Chin makes the personal political in such a powerful and moving way. :

*Trigger Warning* this video does contain subject matter pertaining to sexual assault. This video might make you cry no matter what your experiences have been, but it might also make you feel less alone and empowered and just completely blown away.

I also made a playlist of some songs that I like; different artists, different moods and very different genres, these are some songs that help to empower me. Some are angry and loud, and some are soft but strong, some are totally doing their own unique thing, and some are classics, but they all have a message that resonates with me, I hope some can resonate with you too.

Big thank you to this lovely and supportive class, I appreciate you all so much. Thanks for a great semester so far!

Taavixiqua H-Lewis Db6

hey guys hope all is well:)

If you haven’t already heard about the tea with the royals… well i hope you’ve at least seen the memes. This one in particular I cannot escape, and has been a highlight of my week. Like how do people come up with these. Also Oprah line “were you ??silent??.. or were u?? silencedddd ??deserves an oscar.

btw the next slide after this is where she would say her oscar worthy line.