Hello Dr. Soniya and class colleagues,
My name is Melody and I am coming most recently from the production world where I assumed various Art Department roles, from prop master to set construction to production design, although I’ve floated in and out of many different types of work before I fell into my production career. I moved up to this city two weeks before I turned 18, and somehow twelve years have flown by. I didn’t have a path to going to school right away, so I am very excited to be here finishing up my AA now, better late than never! My goal is to forge a path to a career working in curriculum studies and development. Accessible, affordable, and quality education is a deeply held passion of mine, especially after struggling in school growing up, largely due to external factors.
I am fortunate that many things bring me joy, like the playlists I’ve been making for myself since back when burning CD’s was a thing, a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, a cozy spot with lots of blankets and pillows + a great book, a good stretch, cooking a stellar meal, making art and building stuff (I am a craft master), writing, and my tuxedo cat Jet. Maybe he will make an appearance this semester, he loves to jump on my laptop keyboard at the most inopportune of moments!
It was so nice meeting you all in our first class, it seems like we have a class full of excellent humans. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone this semester, and always hoping to make some new friends along this educational journey.