Essay #5–suggested due date 5/4

Instructions: For this fifth essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 10. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #5 as your category for the post.

You can write in response to any of these prompts– make sure to be clear about which prompt you are using.

Prompt 1: Based on Anita or Out in the Night (or both), what do we learn about the process of speaking out or fighting back in situations of gendered violence? What do the victim-survivors say about their experience and how are their stories received– by their family/friends/colleagues, the legal system, the media? Where did they receive support, healing, or have their needs met? What does this show us about what is useful for survivors and what needs to change?

Prompt 2: Why do INCITE/Critical Resistance (and the signers of the statement on Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex) believe  that prisons are not the solution for gendered violence? What do they say are the problems with prisons? What are the limits of the anti-prison’s movement work to address gendered violence? What are the solutions that they propose? Where do you agree or disagree with their position and why?

Essay #4– suggested due date 4/20

Instructions: For this fourth essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 9. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #4 as your category for the post.

PROMPT: Using the materials from Module 9, please reflect on the different ways that “family” is defined and the role that “family” plays in society– as in, what are the social and cultural expectations of what a family is or does? What are the economic or legal aspects of the “family?” What do feminist or queer interventions show about the limits of the nuclear family as the dominant family type? Please use evidence from at least one of the readings or film from the Module. You can also bring in other evidence from your experience and/or popular culture, history, etc.

Essay #3- suggested due date 4/20

Instructions: For this third essay, please feel free to expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion based on MODULE 8. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #3 as your category for the post.

PROMPT: Using the materials from Module 8, please respond to the following questions: What is the wage gap and how is it gendered? What are some of the explanations for the gendered wage gap? What are other types of gendered disparities in the workplace? What are some solutions or responses to address these issues?

Essay #2

Instructions: For this second essay, please expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion by responding to the following questions. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard OR as a post on Open Lab. If you make a post on Open Lab, you can write in the text box or “Add Media” and upload your document. Make sure to select Essay #2 as your category for the post.

Respond to one of the following prompts (and make clear to which prompt your essay responds):

PROMPT #1:  Compare and contrast the materials from Modules 3+ 4 + 5. How has the feminist movement changed, morphed, and grown between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries? Why are these changes important Give examples from specific texts to make your argument.

PROMPT #2: Pick 2 readings from Modules 4 + 5 and do a close read. What are some of the ways that feminists in the 1960s and 1980s understand the world around them, what issues are of concern, and why? Select at least one quote from each reading to discuss and analyze. Include your response to the text as well– do these readings resonate with you? Why or why not? Are there connections can you make to the texts?




Essay 1 (suggested due date: 3/2/21)

Instructions: For this first essay, please expand on your in-class writing, discussion board posts, and class discussion by responding to the following questions. Your essay should be about 500 words (2 pages double-spaced, in 12 point font). You can turn your essay in on Blackboard.

PROMPT: Following the model of the story by Ijeoma A.,  write about a lesson(s) you learned about gender expectations– it does not need to be a story about something that you yourself experienced but can be something that you witnessed or observed. If you write about something from your own experience, please be attentive to your own needs as you write and only write about something that you feel comfortable to think about and analyze in this assignment.

Describe the lesson: what did you learn? Where was the lesson taught and by whom? What was shared about the expectations and the consequences for not following the norm? What are your thoughts and reflections about these expectations and their impact?

What is the origin of these gendered expectations? What do they have to do with patriarchy, if anything? How does oppression play a role and if so, what kind?